Jennifer Haggerty is possibly more active than most 11-year-olds, as she excels in athletics, dancing and football – and has just added the Gaelic version of the sport to an already packed schedule.
Jennifer was the top primary 7 pupil in North and South Lanarkshire for cross country earlier this month, shortly before heading to Ribby Hall in Preston for a Dance Nation competition, which saw her return to Coatbridge with five trophies, adding to the “200 or 300” already in her collection.
As if that wasn’t enough, Jennifer joined Airdrie club Gartcairn six months ago, and in that time has graduated from under-10s to under-14s. And the St Bartholomew’s Primary pupil has recently started back at Gaelic football at St Ambrose High in Coatbridge.
Mum Fiona Mitchell said: “It’s fair to say she’s very active – she doesn’t go a day without something being on, she will have a sport of some kind!
“It’s busy for us as well, we’re always on the go, but we’re really proud of her.
“Her top sports are football and dancing, but she is liking running just now as well.

“Her teacher from school is trying to get her into a running club, so we’re just waiting to hear back from that.”
Fiona added: “The athletics event was between all the primary seven girls and she came first place out of North and South Lanarkshire schools. It was through the school she did it. She goes to a cross country after-school club, so that’s why she ended up doing it, and I think it was organised through a teacher.”
That competition was on Thursday, March 2 and the next day Fiona and Jennifer headed to Preston.
Fiona said: “That was a festival and she came back with five trophies, all in.

“Last year she did a big festival and won that, and got a big trophy.
“She has about 200 or 300 dancing trophies and has been doing that for about four or five
Dad Patrick Haggerty added: “Every sport Jennifer does she’s amazing. She’s just great at everything.

“Trying to fit in the dancing and the football has been hard – she only took up the football maybe six months ago, but she learned very
“She’s pretty wee for her age, the girls she comes up against are all tall, but she holds her own.”
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