Barry Tubb, known for his role as Wolfman in the original 1986 hit movie Top Gun, is taking legal action against Paramount for using his image in the 2022 sequel, Top Gun: Maverick. Tubb, aged 61, claims that the term 'sequel' was not included in his original contract for Top Gun, and therefore believes that Paramount did not have the right to use his likeness over 30 years later.
The specific scene in Top Gun: Maverick that Tubb is contesting occurs 44 minutes into the film, where a photograph of the Top Gun Class of 1986 is shown. Wolfman's face briefly appears in the photo alongside other familiar characters from the original movie. Tubb asserts that he was never contacted for permission to use his image in the sequel.
Following his role in Top Gun, Tubb went on to feature in various TV series and films, including American Playhouse, Billionaire Boys Club, and Lonesome Dove. He took a hiatus from acting in the mid-'90s before returning to the screen in the late '90s and early 2000s. Tubb also ventured into writing and directing projects during this period.
While the exact amount of damages sought by Tubb remains undisclosed, he claims to have received no compensation for the use of his likeness in Top Gun: Maverick. The sequel achieved significant success at the box office, grossing $1.495 billion worldwide and becoming the sixth highest-grossing film of all time.