A top official at the German economy and climate ministry resigned Wednesday following accusations that he was involved in choosing his best man to head the federally owned German Energy Agency and signed off on financial support for a project in which his sister was involved
Patrick Graichen was one of Economy Minister Robert Habeck’s closest aides and had been in charge of developing and implementing the government's energy policies with the goal of achieving net zero emissions in Germany in 2045.
Graichen had been under pressure for weeks after media revealed his involvement in the job selection, but last week Habeck still said Graichen could keep his job.
On Wednesday, however, Habeck told reporters in Berlin that Graichen had also violated ministry compliance violations when he signed off on the ministry's planned financial support for a project of the Berlin branch of the BUND environmental group, on whose board Graichen’s sister sat.
“Against this background, Patrick Graichen and I agreed yesterday evening in a personal conversation that we will not continue our joint work," Habeck said.
Referring to the allegation, Graichen was involved in the selection of his best man to head the energy agency, Habeck said that “there is no question that a mistake has been made and we have created transparency about it.”
Opposition lawmakers had relentlessly asked for Graichen's dismissal.