Tom Felton, better known as Harry Potter’s school nemesis Draco Malfoy, reckons playing everyone’s favourite brat did not, in fact, help him nab some dates as a teen. Surely this lie is an unforgivable curse.
Speaking to The Guardian, Tom said that Harry Potter was never this huge deal for him like it was for other kids.
“I was also one of the only ones who had no idea what Harry Potter was at the time,” he said.
“Anyone could try out for it, so many excited kids went along who loved the books deeply.
“I didn’t have to do 10 pages of dialogue to audition. All I did was turn up as a snotty kid who looked right and I got the part.”
To think there was a time in the universe when Tom Felton was just a snotty kid… Apparently there was also a time where he wasn’t getting girls either.
“My schedules were fixed in a way I could stay at school with weeks on and weeks off,” Tom said about his, surprisingly, kinda normal childhood?
“Rupert [Grint], Emma [Watson] and Daniel [Radcliffe], meanwhile, were there non-stop for 10 years. I carried on as normal.
“I’d get the occasional gag or comment from my mates, but honestly nobody was bothered.
“Some people really struggle with the idea that I wasn’t this special, popular kid, but I was walking around with dyed hair and played an evil wizard. It wasn’t cool. It did me no favours with the girls.”
Um, excuse me but I know for a fact that Emma Watson was crushing hard on Tom Felton when he was playing Draco so actually, not just any girl liked him, but THE girl did.
And now, all Tom has to do is open his DMs to know that actually, playing Draco very much does nab the girlies.
The post Tom Felton Reckons Playing Draco Malfoy Didn’t Help Him With Girls As A Teen & Are You Sure? appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .