As part of an ongoing effort to attract more foreign visitors to the area, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo, has composed a travel map in English that will guide visitors around the Nezu and Sendagi areas.
With this map in hand while touring famous local spots, visitors will get a better understanding of the charms of the Tokyo of yesteryear.
According to the ward, many of the foreigners that visit places such as Nezu and Sendagi are travelers from Europe and the U.S., and tour guides have said that while giving tours, maps that provide information in English about the nearest train stations or restrooms are often requested.
Bunkyo Ward printed 3,000 copies of the map -- using B3-size paper, folded into four sections -- which highlights 23 places of interest, such as shrines and museums, in red. Restrooms and hotels are represented with simple pictures, making finding your destination simple with just a glance. QR codes for amenities, such as free WiFi or rental bicycles, are also included.
The ward offers tours and has a staff of 70 tour guides. Locals who were well acquainted with the area or possessed superior foreign language skills were put into teams of three, and while wearing happi coats, they introduced visitors to areas of great cultural importance like Nezu Shrine, or places where the historic downtown atmosphere is overflowing, such as the Yomise Street Shopping District.
Throughout all of last year, the number of tours rose to 1,600. The cherry blossom viewing season in April alone reached 320 tours.
Bunkyo Ward officials are hoping that the new guide map will bring in even more foreign visitors. "Using the convenience of this tour guide as a selling point, we're hoping to attract more repeat visitors," one of the officials said.
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