A mischievous toddler left her mum in absolute stitches after she tried to blame the pet dog for a set of little handprints which had suddenly appeared on their newly painted wall.
Footage taken on April 6 shows three-year-old Nellie Toyne adorably pleading her innocence, pointing the finger at the familly's six-year-old Shih Tzu, Winston.
Having recently moved into their new family home, Nellie's mum Dolph Malone had gotten out a spare paint can to give the walls a bit of a touch-up.
Dolph first noticed the tiny handprints a day after she'd painted the stairway wall white, and couldn't believe it when she heard her little girl's hilarious excuse. She would never have imagined that Nellie would try and pass the blame to Winston instead, and decided to record her butter-wouldn't-melt reaction.

Dolph, 41, said: said: "I have just moved and started painting the walls white. I didn't realise for an hour or so that she has done it. I didn't expect Nellie to blame Winston, but I knew I had to record her reaction to my question as to who did it as I knew it would be something funny."
The sales advisor, who lives in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, couldn't bring herself to tell Nellie off and found the entire situation very amusing indeed.

Dolph recalled: "I found it hilarious, but I was trying to be serious to break her! Clearly, she stood strong and held it together."
She added: "I'm the cleaner around these parts ha! But when I did go to clean it she said to Winston, 'Did you do that Winst?' She's so funny."
This comes after an Australian mum recently left her daughters howling after mistaking spray paint for vinyl cleaner, completely covering the car with the stuff.
In a video shared to TikTok, sisters Jayde and Greta Couldwell showed how there were huge whirls of white paint had been sprayed all over the interior of the vehicle, including the dashboard.
Do you have a funny parenting-related story to share? Email us at julia.banim@reachplc.com