PHITSANULOK: A little girl was run over and killed by a pickup driven by her grandfather as he was reversing out of the driveway at their home in Nakhon Thai district on Tuesday morning.
The tragedy occurred at a house at Huay Nam Sai village in tambon Noen Phoem about 8.30am, Pol Capt Siripong Nguangchanthong, duty officer at Nakhon Thai, said.
Police and a doctor from Nakhon Thai Crown Prince Hospital rushed to the village after being informed of the accident.
In front of the house, they found a dead girl, aged about 12 months, lying near the left rear tyre of a pickup. She had been run over. The pickup was driven by Ko Sae Wa, 56, her distraught grandfather.
Mr Ko told the police he was backing the pickup out of the house and unwittingly ran over his granddaughter. He had not seen her follow him from the house and thought she was still inside with her grandmother.
Police were investigating whether there were grounds for legal action against Mr Ko.