Welcome to another installment of Wordle where today, the answer broke my brain in a unique way. Again, it’s not always about how hard the word is, but how the clues and your guesses unfold, and this one was a doozy for me today. But I got it in the end.
We have had some close calls lately in Wordle, but none of the words have been truly out there where you’re needing to look up definitions. When the NYT bought Wordle, they trimmed a few hundred obscure or indecent words out of the answer list, which has left us with 2,200 or so possible answers, and we’re through 300 already, as you can see by the number up top there.
An Introduction to Wordle
- For those new to the game, read this Wordle primer before you start playing and learn about how this fad got started.
- Then, if you want some advanced tactics to get those low guess answers, you can read the Wordle Tips and Tricks guide here.
Today’s Wordle #302 Answer And Hint
Before we go any further, as I normally do, I will give you a spoiler warning before I list the answer outright in case you have somehow landed on this page by accident, and would instead just prefer a helpful hint. For today’s answer, my hint would be that you need to take a [blank] amount of time to think it over, as the word structure is a little less than traditional.
Ready? And the answer is...

Yeah, it certainly took me an ample amount of time to get here in any case. I was dumbstruck halfway through the puzzle, and here’s how my guessing went:
I guessed CRANE first, my usual, and that got me a surprise E at the end, which doesn’t usually happen, plus an A in there, but not the middle. From, there, I guessed ALIVE which suited all the rest of my criteria, and to my surprise, the A was correct, and I then knew there was an L in there too. From there, I was 100% confident in my next guess, APPLE, only to be shocked that somehow I had missed a letter.
Now, to pause, I know that the answer was AMPLE now, but I will admit to typing in AOPLE and AUPLE in case I missed some weird Greek word or something that could be a potential answer. Then it hit me, and I felt like an idiot, as I usually do when it takes me four or more guesses. But here we are.
Tough format today, even if you do know the word in the end. Hope you did well on this, and had less of a struggle than I did.
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