The Kentucky annual conference of the United Methodist Church is underway in Owensboro and on the first day, more than half of them disaffiliated. Todd Nelson, the senior pastor at Lexington’s First United Methodist Church, was there, and said a rule change at the most recent national general conference allowed the exits.
“And to do that you had to say you, you disagreed kind of with our trajectory that the United Methodist Church is heading that would be affirming of same sex marriage, and as a result would be inclusive of gay and lesbian clergy who are who are married.”
Nelson said Sunday, when attendees accepted the disaffiliations, was emotional.
“And we were sitting right next to one another, and just sharing some tears and sharing some, some laughs and, and I think I think we all didn't realize the weight that it would be that night when the votes were actually taken. And we realize that we were kind of going in different paths in some ways.”
Nelson said while members of the First United Methodist Church congregation have a variety of feelings on gay marriage and gay clergy, they chose not to depart. He also said he has friends on both sides of the issue, and prays for them every day.
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