Tina Turner was left with just one "depressing" option when her kidneys failed, having been "naive" about her health.
The 83-year-old singer died "peacefully" at her home in Kusnacht near Zurich in Switzerland on Wednesday 24 March.
The Queen of Rock 'n' Roll died of natural causes, but had been battling high blood pressure and kidney failure.
A transplant from her loving husband Erwin Bach sadly wasn't enough and she spent her last months feeling "nauseous and dizzy". She was on "multiple prescriptions" and was "scared a lot".
In her final months, Tina bravely opened up about her hypertension (high blood pressure ) and said she regretted letting it get to "the point where it was about life or death."

Tina suffered from hypertension for decades, having been diagnosed in 1978 but admitted she "didn't care much about it" and in 1985 she was put on daily medication.
It wasn't until she had a stroke in 2009 because of her high blood pressure that she discovered her kidneys had already lost 35 percent of their function.
She became convinced her medication was making her worse and decided to try homeopathic remedies, without consulting her doctors.
"Thanks to my naivety I had ended up at the point where it was about life or death," she admitted.

Tina was put on dialysis for nine months to survive.
"It was my only option, but it was depressing to be connected to a machine for hours," she told Show your Kidneys Love.
Erwin offered to donate one of his kidneys and Tina underwent a kidney transplant in 2017.
But that wasn't the end of her struggles as her body tried to reject the donor kidney and she spent months in and out of hospital.
"The months after the transplantation were marked by a never ending up and down," she said.
This is when Tina's health started to take a turn for the worse and she never fully recovered.
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