Imagine my joy when on a grey Saturday morning I read about the sexual exploits of 75-year-old Ella and 82-year-old Richard (This is how we do it: ‘We did wonder whether sex at our advanced age would be difficult – but it’s been amazing’, 23 November). Why, oh why did you have to spoil it with a walking stick in the picture? Did they say they used one to assist them with their promenading? When will we stop using lazy cliches to portray old age? I know many 75- and 82-year-olds who go dancing and cycling without resorting to a staff. It’s the 21st century – please get with the programme.
Mario López-Goicoechea
• I felt saddened that the promotion of Rebel Sounds has been threatened by far-right elements (Anti-racism campaigner’s London book events cancelled amid threat of far-right violence, 23 November). Books, and bookshops, need our support to enable us to navigate the world with curiosity and learning. I have put the book on my Xmas list.
Sue Lloyd
• I have given up donating to charities, as trying to find out what percentage goes to the recipients is hard work (I worked in charities for years – here’s how I make sure my money is going to a good cause, not Captain Tom’s family, 25 November). One charity came in at 17%. Why are these people not accountable?
Geraldine Blake
Worthing, West Sussex
• Congratulations, Noah (Young country diary, 23 November) – a superb piece, concise and informative. No flowery language; a refreshing change from some of the regular columns.
Don Williams
• Storm Bert left thousands of homes without power (Report, 25 November) – the best argument for investing in underground power cables rather than pylons.
Pam Lunn
Kenilworth, Warwickshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.