We need our politicians to start shaking the tree in getting a better deal for Newcastle.
With the NSW Premier finally coming to Newcastle and the Newcastle Airport now campaigning to promote the city internationally, it's time to stand up and promote our city.
The Gold Coast had the foresight to host the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
There is no reason the Hunter and Central Coast couldn't do the same. It might take years, but it's achievable if we try.
Peter O'Neill, Warabrook
How to boost employment and stop shoplifting
STATISTICS show shoplifting has skyrocketed across Newcastle and Lake Macquarie ("Five finger discount, shoplifting soars", Newcastle Herald 15/6).
I believe shoplifting has increased because security has been cut. Shops, in pursuit of profits, have cut their costs by employing fewer staff. This is counter-productive.
Retailers don't seem to realise that given their narrow margins, they must sell much more of any pilfered product to recover their sales losses.
The other reason for the rise in shoplifting is that people are trying to make ends meet in the face of the rising cost of living.
I believe that most people are fundamentally honest. It may be counter-intuitive, but why don't retailers, to cut their losses, employ the shoplifters as security staff?
This would improve employment, and the shoplifters would be skilled in that they would know all the shoplifting tricks.
For any shoplifters that proved to be incorrigible or the light-fingered gentry, why not set up a convict colony in Britain? The incorrigibles could be all shipped off for the term of their natural lives.
Geoff Black, Frankston
Power is shifting way too fast
I FIND it laughable there are people who think Australia lowering its carbon footprint will really make much difference overall worldwide. Taking into consideration that China and the world's other polluters are using tons of our coal, gas and other minerals, which we send them in bulk, the idea is laughable.
Australia only contributes less than 1 per cent to the overall global omissions. What on earth is that going to do in the big picture? Get a grip. Nothing.
Ruining our economy, and increasing our overall living costs make it seem like we are stupid. Sure, a gradual long-term reduction seems feasible, but the way we are going about trying to meet targets that are based on "modelling" is stupidity because "modelling" has an accurate reputation of failure.
Pick up your garbage, recycle sensibly and keep coal and gas chugging along, I say. Buy an electric car or bike and add a bit of lefty wind and solar power here and there if you must; but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
There's no need to try and change my mind because you won't, and I bet I'm not the only real Aussie who thinks that our lefty politicians, environmentalists like the "rising tidies" and "extinction rebellion" are definitely flogging a dead horse.
I must say, I do enjoy watching them glue themselves to walls and roads though.
Owen Keegan, Cooks Hill
Nuclear seems like a trojan horse
IT is unfortunate that those being deceived by Dutton and the Coalition cannot see it has no intention of implementing nuclear energy. If they were to be voted into government, I believe they would simply continue to burn coal. I have no doubt that we would see them involved in the building of new coal burning power stations, not nuclear. The Coalition has been anti climate change from the outset.
Colin Rowlatt, Newcastle
If not Peter Dutton, then who?
WHO will lead the Liberal National party come the next election remains as ill-defined as are the "policies" being spouted by current LNP leader Peter Dutton? With Simon Kennedy and Jessica Collins, both of whom are factional colleagues of Angus Taylor, moving into federal parliament, many political observers believe that Peter Dutton's leadership is in peril.
Adding to Dutton's evident concerns, the NSW Liberals selected Jessica Collins over the incumbent senator, Hollie Hughes, who was a long-time critic of Taylor.
I believe any emerging leadership struggle between Dutton and Taylor. in combination with the LNP's restoration of the climate wars and their noxious nuclear nonsense, will provide the Australian electorate with something the LNP do not want: an unfiltered view of the chaos a return of the LNP to the government will provide.
Barry Swan, Balgownie
US presidency is no choice at all
GREG Hunt ("Let US democracy run its course", Letters, 5/6), you say you are not a Trump supporter, but then go onto defend him saying it is anti-democratic to criticise him, even though he is seen as inciting the January 6 riot.
He has even been accused of inciting violence against judges that rule against him.
I believe his are the most anti-democratic actions anyone has taken in American history in our lifetime.
Furthermore, I have never seen you support other candidates that could be more likely to appeal such as the more moderate and likeable Nikki Haley, or Ron DeSantis, or former vice-president Mike Pence, who in my opinion was a hero of the January 6 riot in retaining order and chaos.
Personally I just cannot believe you when you say you are not a Trump supporter because of the mountain of evidence (i.e. your own words) proving otherwise.
For me - if it comes down to a choice between someone who appears prepared to incite violence against anyone that gets in his way, or Biden.
I would never support Trump.
Glen Wilson, Cardiff
Unemployment remains a strain
I KEEP reading that the unemployment rate has dropped. There are plenty of areas which need workers and workers available. It depends on the age and the work. Employers want the young but they flit from job to job. Not the sort of reliable employee. It's either employees of the older age group who will work or they go on unemployment, retire, get pensions. That's no life in my opinion. Stop sitting behind your desks and do something to fix this crisis.
Amanda Johnstone, Mayfield
Twilight zone on energy policy
IMAGINE a world where the people believe temperatures can be controlled by giving more money to the government. Go solar, they said. Now they want to charge us for putting power back into the grid. Chris Bowen, I suggest that you live in the fifth dimension, a dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge.
Mitchell Hudson, Fletcher
Don't take violent words lightly
DONALD Trump has predicted a Biden victory in the upcoming presidential election will trigger a French style revolution in America complete with the guillotine, with heads rolling in all directions. How many people will take this with a grain of salt? Coming from him, it could really happen.