How did you get into comedy?
I joined a sketch group, went to the Edinburgh fringe, and then kept doing that for years. It’s a good place to try and get better, to work out what you’re doing.
Who were your early influences?
When I first moved to London I watched Paul Foot a lot. You need to see Paul Foot. He’s unique. I would think: “What on earth could I do that would be half as funny as that?”
Can you recall a gig so bad, it’s now funny?
It doesn’t become that funny with time. I did do one in a pub, in London. Pindrop silence. After about two minutes the compere walked slowly towards me through the aisle. Then he stood right in front of me, staring at me, so I finished up. But I’m not laughing that much recalling it.
What’s one of the strangest encounters with a fan you’ve had?
My train to Edinburgh had to terminate in Newcastle because of some gales. I needed to get to Edinburgh to do a gig. I was negotiating with a taxi driver, then another man who also needed to get to Scotland asked if he could join. Then he suddenly looked stressed and took his earphones out. He was listening to me on a podcast. So, I mean quite strange for me. I’d say very strange for him.
A cab driver asks what you do. You say: “Comedian.” They ask you to tell them a joke. What do you say?
Yeah, you see, that’s a rookie error. You do not volunteer that information. Protect yourself. Say you work in education. When they say “teacher?” say “no, I’m involved in updating the curriculum”. Anything, just shut it down. Avoid comedy, absolute minefield. They’ll be asking if you’ve met Rob Beckett next.
Preshow rituals?
I used to be worse. I used to walk the same route, go in the same shop, buy the same thing, arrive at the same time … all that. It felt very important. Nowadays, I still like to walk to the gig where possible. And I like to have a pint before I go on.
Best heckle?
Heckles are rare thank God. They’re not that useful. I’ve had decent “contributions”. The other day someone announced he was looking into buying a gong.
You’re about to publish your fifth volume of poetry, Chapters. What should readers expect?
Well, it’s beautifully designed, by my friend Emily Juniper. It’s full of poems from the last 18 months. And there’s also a bit of dialogue between me and Emily as we discuss what should go in the book etc. Meta.
Where do you find you material?
Anywhere. There’s always something happening, and if not there’s the old imagination to fall back on. It’s good to write in interesting places: airports, hospitals, things like that. I like writing in the pub, but then the poems tend to be about the pub. There’s quite a lot of those in the book.
What are you currently excited for?
My friend Tom Basden and I shot a film over the summer. No knowing if it’s any good but Carey Mulligan’s in it so there’s a limit to how bad it can be. It’s been 17 years in the making, so we’re happy it’s on the verge.
Do you have a comedy hero?
There’s a lot. Been watching a lot of Richard Briers recently. He’s fantastic. Such a good actor, so much heart, funny in such a beautiful way.
And a hero not in comedy?
Difficult to look beyond Jude Bellingham.
• Chapters by Tim Key is out now from “Utter” & Press and is available on audiobook via Bandcamp.