Savvy shoppers claim they've figured out a way to 'hack' the Costco Wholesale membership allowing them to access the deals without signing up or paying for the annual membership.
The key to the trick lies with the shopper getting their hands on a Costco Shop Card, which allows entry and checkout at Costco Wholesale stores. The Shop Card acts like a gift card.
Usually it is a members only item but if you can persuade a member to give you one or just buy one on your behalf, then access to those hallowed deals is possible.
TikTokkers and other social media users have been showing off their success with this method of getting non-member purchases.

Amin Shaykho, the founder of tutoring website and app Kadama, shared the hack on his Instagram and TikTok accounts, where he often shares shopping and finance tips.
In the video he said: "Do not get a Costco membership until you know this secret.
"Costco will let you shop at their store if you have a gift card."
He added: "You can literally get a $10 gift card – as long as it’s not expired – you can come in and shop whenever you want."

The TiTokker's video was watched more than 3.7 million views on Instagram and 6.5 million views on TikTok.
Despite the appearance this could allow easy access to Costco deals, other social media users pointed out there could be problems with it.
Someone claiming to be a current employee said that although gift card holders can access the store they won't be able to return any purchases and "can't spend anything over the gift card" amount.
"Used this, they said I could only go in twice a year," another TikTok user added.

Costco Shop Cards are available in $25, $50, $100, $250 and $500.
Members can buy digital or physical gift cards.
With videos explaining the 'hack' circulating the internet, some are worried Costco will change their policy to only work for paying members.
Costco Shop Cards can be found on third-party seller websites such as eBay.
Costco's customer service website says that the membership cards are non-transferable, but members may bring up to two guests to the store during visits.
"Keep in mind that purchasing items is exclusive to Costco members," the site says.