@mandyvjones @LaCroix Sparkling Water ♬ original sound – Amanda Jones
Ashley McCrary-Mac
Now I have a confession to make: I am a fiend for balsamic vinegar. It is unironically my favourite condiment, specifically in the form of balsamic glaze. My share house goes through balsamic vinegar at a frankly startling rate.
My girlfriend once bought me a fancy balsamic vinegar as a gift and it is one of the best presents I’ve ever received. I am target audience for this beverage.
And yet. The thought of putting this into my body absolutely unlocks my flight or fight response.
Under no circumstance would I choose this beverage over a Coke, a Coke Zero, a Diet Coke, a Pepsi or a Pepsi Max.
The people in Amanda Jones’ TikTok comments were also sceptical.
“Zero chance that tastes like Coke,” one person said.
“Homegirl just got at least 50 people to drink balsamic vinegar with ice lol,” another said.
Another person compared it to vegan cheese, which is an absolute ouch.
“You know when vegans tell you something tastes like cheese, but it tastes nothing like cheese because they haven’t had it in years?” they said.
The beverage has received… mixed reviews.
Another TikToker, (@healthylittlepeach) made the drink with a raspberry LaCroix and by all accounts loved it.
“Y’all, that’s delicious,” she said.
So perhaps it’s all down to the LaCroix flavour? McCrary-Mac also warned viewers not to add too much balsamic vinegar.
Then Aussie TikToker (@michaeljaimie) tried it too. He went into the experiment with high expectations. His review was tentatively positive.
“Do you know what, I don’t hate that,” he said.
“It would be like drinking a Coke Zero without the sweetener in it, but it’s actually quite nice.”
It seems like the general consensus is that this doesn’t really taste Coke, unless maybe you’re used to drinking really weird Coke. But if you’re into salad dressing and bubbly beverages it could be the drink for you.
Interestingly, with two types of balsamic vinegar. First they made the drink with the pretty standard balsamic vinegar of Modena which most people have in their cupboards. It was not good.
But then, they tried it with a fancy, aged balsamic vinegar. And apparently? It tasted pretty bloody delicious and had a definite cola vibe to it.
Like all cooking, maybe it’s ultimately down to the ingredients.
My main takeaway from all this? I’m really, really craving a Coke.
And that balsamic vinegar in the pantry is looking pretty good right now.
Michael Jaimie@healthylittlepeach A healthy version of a coke. Saw from @Amanda Jones #healthycoke #balsamicvinegar ♬ original sound – Ashley McCrary- Mac
Today in the US tried out the beverage@michaeljaimie trying @Amanda Jones viral “healthy coke”.. it’s definitely something! 🫠 #balsamicvinegar #healthycoke #healthycokechallenge #viralrecipe #adelaide #fypシ ♬ original sound – Michael
The post TikTokers Are Making A ‘Healthy Coke’ Drink W/ Balsamic Vinegar In A Sin Against Beveraginos appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .