We’ve all been there, gasping for a pint of water and a chicken fillet roll while desperately looking for the last two Panadol in the back of the press.
This Paddy’s Day we’re hoping to avoid the hangover - let’s face it, we’re getting old and we’re not fit for the drink anymore.
So here’s a TikTok video that gives us the top tips on how to avoid a hangover this St. Patrick’s Day weekend.
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The clip titled “Tips to not write off your entire weekend” by Sean Fitzpatrick, a fitness coach, tells us how to avoid waking up feeling like you’re on your last legs and you’re going to fade away.
His top three tips include:
Staying hydrated
Making decent food choices where you can
Getting out of the house tomorrow

Sean said: “If you haven’t got a two litre bottle of water beside you now, go fill it up and have it throughout the day. Before you go out tonight have a pint or two of water, during the night out have a pint or two of water and just tell people it’s vodka.
“When you come in from the night out, have a pint or two of water again. Bonus points if you have Dioralyte before you go to bed.
“A hangover is really just dehydration so it’s not rocket science to stay well hydrated.
“The second thing is the food choices you are in charge of today and tomorrow, make the best choices you possibly can. Have your takeaway but there’s no reason to eat like a pig for the remainder of today and all of tomorrow.
“A third thing is to get up and get some level of activity. It might be a walk around the block, you might go out and get a coffee.
“Just get out of the house at some stage and don’t be getting piles on your arse from sitting on the couch all day.”
The video has been viewed over 108,500 times with many users commenting on the post.
One said: “Wish I saw this yesterday”.
Another joked: “The seal will be broken before you leave the house”.
A third commented: “I just love milking cows on a Sunday morning and absolutely dying”.
Someone else said: “I always have a Berocca first thing in the morning”.
And a final person asked: “Why waste your drink by drinking water when you’re out? Save money and drink less if you’re at that craic.”
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