AS the future of the Jets hangs in the balance, we started the week with news that the sale of the Newcastle club was being held up by the failure of Australian Professional Leagues to provide key information to the prospective buyers.

Still in sport and North Shelly high flyer Joel Vaughan took to the skies on Sunday to make history, becoming the first at Surfest, which was established in 1985, to go back-to-back winning the Burton Automotive Men's Pro.

Broken bones and bad weather couldn't stop hundreds of the country's best riders pushing the limits and having fun at a major event which put Lake Macquarie on the mountain biker map. The GWM Mountain Bike National Championships 2024 was held at Awaba's renowned track at the foot of the Watagan Mountains across six days.

The story of Stockton's Kahi Simon's death and the events that led up to his loss rattled the northern Newcastle community and as highlighted how the system can fail those when they need it the most.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joined other politicans, defence personnel and a grieving community to farewell Jack Fitzgibbon, the son of former defence minister Joel Fitzgibbon. Jack died in a parachuting accident while training for the ADF.

This one is a bit older than a week, but a striking image, as the Knights farewelled the man who would forever be known as their founding father, Leigh Maughan.

Newcastle Herald reporter Jessica Belzycki did not expect to find herself soaring in a warbird above Maitland when she arrived at work on Tuesday, but life is full of surprises. She spoke with pilot Paul Bennet about what it is like to fly the warbirds.

The University of Newcastle welcomed its new chancellor Patricia Forsythe with a traditional investiture ceremony. A former teacher and graduate of the university, Ms Forsythe is the eighth chancellor in the institution's history.