A wildlife welfare organisation has condemned what it says appears to be "deliberate cruelty", after three native birds were found with blow gun darts stuck in them in a Maitland suburb.
WIRES spokesperson John Grant said three adult magpies were found with darts protruding from them - one from its head, another in its beak, and the other in the corner of an eye - in Chisholm on Monday.
The birds were reported to WIRES and Hunter Wildlife is assisting the organisation in keeping track of the injured animals, which remained in the wild.
They were found in the area around Billabong Parade, Marjoram Street, and Arrowtail Street.
The person who made the report to WIRES got a picture of the three birds.
The magpies were spotted again on Tuesday.
Mr Grant said it was a "distressing situation which appears to be deliberate cruelty".
He said a wildlife vet had looked at the pictures and confirmed the needles stuck in the magpies were not medical types, but appeared to be blow gun darts.
"It is likely that if infection sets in badly the birds will become ill and incapacitated and will come to the ground," Mr Grant said on Wednesday.
"They should then be then able to be contained and taken to a vet for assessment.
"Otherwise we are hopeful they may be able to dislodge the darts themselves as the skin around the entry point becomes inflamed and softens."
Anyone who spots one of the injured magpies is being asked to call WIRES on 1300 094 737 or Hunter Wildlife on 0418 628 483 and a rescue expert can talk them through how to best help.