Please thank the Tory spin doctors who came up with Rishi Sunak’s “Stop the boats” soundbite. Never was there a better gift for Tory party opponents who will surely now forever refer to this as Sunak’s policy to “Stop the votes”.
Peter Goodair
• Re vanishing bus stations (Letters, 13 August), unlike Lewes, Leicester has two spanking new bus stations within two minutes’ walk of each other, one for city services, one for county and national services. There are also free electric buses in the city centre. Could this have anything to do with the fact that Leicester has a Labour council and an elected mayor?
Bill Myers
• The retention of rules allowing pubs to serve takeaway alcohol (Report, 13 August) are to be welcomed. Unfortunately, recent duty changes mean it cannot include draught beer. What the government gives with one hand, it takes away with the other.
Mark Enderby
Warrington, Cheshire
• If you don’t like the words, don’t read them (Jacqueline Wilson says rewriting children’s books can be justified, 14 August). If you don’t like the music, don’t listen to it. If you don’t like the painting, don’t look at it. Culture is concerned with taste, fashion and personal preferences. Let’s not complicate things.
Toby Wood
• Re your article (Dead flies could be used to make biodegradable plastic, scientists say, 14 August), if there are none left, what will bakers put in eccles cakes?
David Shannon
Ashton under Hill, Worcestershire
• Steve Barclay has generously offered the resources of NHS England to Wales and Scotland to reduce their waiting lists (Report, 13 August). Here in England, in July 2023, my GP referred me for a vascular scan. My appointment is confirmed for May 2024. I was simultaneously referred for a neurological investigation. My appointment date is in July 2024. The NHS in England is operating an unusual variant of preventative medicine, whereby the patient is prevented from getting the medicine.
Colin Alston
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.