The Tamil Nadu government on Friday renamed three Chennai Metro stations after former Chief Ministers C.N. Annadurai, M.G. Ramachandran and Jayalalithaa.
Alandur, Central and CMBT metro stations will henceforth be called Arignar Anna Alandur Metro, Puratchi Thalaivar Dr. M.G. Ramachandran Central Metro and Puratchi Thalaivi Dr. J. Jayalalithaa CMBT Metro, respectively.
Also read: Central station renamed after MGR
In a statement, Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami said the decision to rename the stations followed recommendations by a high-level committee.
The stations are prominent ones in Phase I of the Chennai Metro Rail Project and hence the committee recommended renaming these after three former Chief Ministers in their honour, the CM said.
Mr. Palaniswami also elaborated on the steps taken by the AIADMK government under former CM Jayalalithaa and him in implementing the metro rail project over the years.