Children across Manchester will be offered free lunches and activities over Easter. The programme will be held at schools, youth centres and parks.
Kids will be able to participate in a variety of activities ranging from sports and adventure play to the arts and well-being activities.
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A range of healthy foods and drinks will be provided to keep children full of energy and goodness while participating in tiring but fun activities.

According to Manchester City Council, there are 34,000 - around 42% of children and young children - who receive a form of benefit for free school meals in the city.
The activity programme is hoping to improve the general health and well-being of young people around Manchester by giving them activities to do over Easter instead of staying indoors.
The programme will also be free with no additional cost required for young people to enjoy the activities.
The city council said it will be funding free lunches through the Easter holidays for all children and young people in the city who are eligible for benefits related free school meals.
The aim is to help families struggling with the cost of living.

Councillor Garry Bridges, executive member for Early Years, Children, and Young People, at Manchester City Council, said: "We know how hard our families are finding things right now and we're determined to make sure that children and young people have fun and free things to do near to where they live.
"This Easter there will be activities in every part of the city which are free to take part in and where young people will get a free nutritious meal or snacks.
"As a council we're fully committed to our children and young people - we're working to make our city a Child Friendly City and have invested an extra half a million pounds into youth and play services this year.
"The holiday activity scheme has been funded by the Department for Education through its national Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) scheme but here in Manchester we have gone above and beyond the government's programme to fund holiday activities through half terms as well as end of term holidays."