An Asda store has rustled up a mock receipt to show just how cheap a food shop can be amid the cost of living crisis. The store reckons a full week's shop could cost as little as £33.60.
Earlier this week, Asda claimed it is launching the largest budget-friendly essentials range in the market. The new range - rebranded as ‘Just Essentials by Asda’ from ‘Smart Price’ - will land in May as the cost-of-living crisis hits millions.
The new range has 300 products, compared to 150 in the Smart Price range it will replace.
Read more stores about the cost of living and how to save money here
Asda worker Amy Ryan shared the mock receipt on Facebook. It was rustled up by her store in Bridgend.
The 28-year-old hoped it would reach those who may struggle with affording food shopping in the coming months. She wanted to highlight that there are still cheap options available despite the cost of living spiking.
Ms Ryan said: “This is the receipt for a shop at Asda using only their smart price white label products. A grand total of £33.60 but it may be even cheaper if you don’t need some of the items. This isn’t my personal shopping list.
“It was done as a mock up as they are expanding the smart price range. It was posted with the intention to let people know there are cheap foods out there that can help you in between your massive monthly shops.”

The receipt includes protein sources of tuna, chicken and eggs, as well as bits for your five-a-day like sweetcorn, peaches and tomatoes. It even stretches as far as household necessities, including cat litter, kitchen roll and bin liners.
The supermarket giant’s new essentials range will eventually be fully stocked in all 581 Asda stores and online. It is set to include fresh meat and fish, bakery, frozen and tinned foods, as well as household products like washing up liquid and shampoo.
According to the Office for National Statistics, 83 per cent of Brits saw an increase in their cost of living in March. As weekly shops start to pinch pockets, 31 per cent have started spending less on food.