New York Magazine wins the award for one of the most disturbing front covers I've ever seen. The provocative Trump and Biden 'Health Issue' cover is a stark reflection of the American presidential candidates – an exposé made to trigger a reaction with its clinical candidness.
When it comes to creating a successful magazine cover design, there's no strict formula. Whether you're going for sleek design, playful illustration or in this case, arresting (and slightly traumatising) visuals, your cover has to stand out among the crowd. While it's by no means comfortable viewing, New York Magazine's latest cover is undoubtedly a thought-provoking piece that will stick with many of us for some time (for better or for worse).

The controversial New York Magazine cover features photo-manipulated images of Donald Trump and Joe Biden on a set of medical weighing scales. The clinical whiteness of the cover paired with the static imagery gives it an eerie candidness, that strips the candidates of their respective bravados, exposing their most vulnerable human side.
While the cover is undoubtedly uncomfortable, this raw presentation of the opposing parties is perhaps just what we need to truly see them in a neutral light, away from the pomp of their polished campaigns. New York Magazine proves that simple, striking design can be an effective tool that speaks louder than words can dictate.
For more magazine cover inspiration, check out TIME's Trump cover that's delightfully minimalist and arrestingly powerful. If you're after more clever cover designs, take a look at the stylish magazine cover for Internazionale that features a stunning and eerie design detail.