Another day, another typical post on LinkedIn. This time in the form of a Sydney man sharing how he scored a job in finance by securing a potential employer tickets to see Fred again.. in Sydney. Though some have applauded the “rise and grind” attitude, others have criticised the young up-and-getter.
Finance and marketing student, Kado, posted to his LinkedIn on June 4 to encourage his 240+ followers (they’re called “connections” on LinkedIn but I whatever) to “think outside the box” when looking for employment opportunities.
To convey his point, Kado recounted how in February he took the the surprise Fred again.. shows in Sydney as an opportunity to make a potential employer an offer they couldn’t refuse.
Kado shared how when he saw that Fred again.. teased a Sydney show he knew he needed tickets, “as many as possible.” He managed to secure four before the exclusive tickets sold out.
“Two for myself and two for a quick profit. I can’t complain. Me and a mate get to go to Fred again.. for free,” Kado wrote.
However, Kado’s plan to merely profit from tickets changed that afternoon when he was scrolling online and saw a potential employer looking for Fred again.. tickets.
“I have something he wants, and he has something that I want. Scrap the profit, I want a job instead,” Kado recounted.
“An Instagram DM conversation and a phone call later, the tickets are emailed and the interview is secured.”
A spokesperson from the company confirmed that they paid the same market price as anyone else did for the tickets. All Kado did was secure them two spots at the show, and leave a good impression on the team.
Attached to his post was an Instagram Story screenshot from the page of Kado’s new employer, a financial services called Real Knowledge, Diverse Solutions. The company proudly shared the creative job application method.
“Just had an intern apply for a job with these. Which team do you want in your corner if you need something done?” posted the company.
“If they can get these in my hands, imagine what they could do in our business.”
Various people on LinkedIn applauded the creative way the young man secured a job.
“This is gold… never knew this was how you joined RK DS!” wrote one.
However, others on the platform questioned the ethics of his actions.
“Creative? Sure. Ethical? Nah,” commented one user.
In response to the criticism of the decision to hire an employee this way the founder of RK DS, Arkadiusz Bryl, provided further context.
“When I asked you why you would just send me tickets without sending you the money, you said, ‘Your reputation is important, and I doubt you would risk having your name dragged through the mud in my community for a couple of hundred bucks; it was worth the risk.’ That’s when I knew we had to speak again,” Bryl commented on Kado’s post.
Though there was no job on offer at the company, Kado made himself stand out to Bryl, who described him as “shy yet confident, smart yet extremely humble.”
And the second that he needed another support staff member, the young ticket securer was the first person who came to mind.
“I saw a young man that was willing to try something different, he had a unique personality and he was genuine about always have a good reputation and doing the right thing,” Bryl told PEDESTRIAN.TV.
Since hiring Kado, the RK DS team was able to move him on to bigger tasks in providing other young people with tips on improving their own financial sills. A feat which that Bryl shared he is “proud of Kado” for.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to put this theory to the test by applying for a job at the Reserve Bank Of Australia by offering them tickets to Olivia Rodrigo.
[Image: Getty]
The post This Sydney Bloke Traded His Extra Fred Again.. Tickets For Job I/V & What In The LinkedIn appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .