If you often find yourself waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, then you might want to try this sleep hack.
When we sleep, urine production naturally decreases, so many people are able to sleep throughout the night without having to get up to void their bladder. But that’s not the case for everyone, especially if you drank a lot of water, alcohol or caffeine right before settling down on your best mattress.
In some cases, people might experience nocturia, a condition that causes you to wake up multiple times in the night to use the toilet. Nocturia is more typically common with people over 60, and it can be related to many things, like diabetes, sleep disorders and certain medications.
At T3, we’re not medical experts, so it goes without saying that if you think you experience nocturia, you should speak to your doctor. But there are a few habits you can change or implement in your daily routine to reduce the amount of times you get up to use the bathroom at night – like this sleep hack.
Try this sleep hack to avoid waking in the night for the toilet
One way to cut down your nightly bathroom visits is by wearing compression socks. The best compression socks have many health and wellness benefits, including helping your legs recover quicker, keeping them oxygenated and reducing ankle injuries.
While this is the case for wearing compression socks while running, they can also be beneficial for your sleep. Aside from improving your circulation and reducing swelling, studies have shown that compression socks can help reduce sleep apnea symptoms and nighttime bathroom trips.

The main cause of this is fluid retention. Fluid tends to build up in the legs throughout the day, so when you go to bed, your body will start to process this fluid. As this happens, you might find that you need to urinate more often which will cause you to wake up in the night to do so.
To avoid this, you can wear compression socks in the day to prevent fluid collecting in your legs and while in bed. As is their nature, compression socks are very tight, so there are some cases where you shouldn’t wear them, like if you have poor circulation or vein issues, so you’ll want to talk to your doctor first before wearing them if you experience these things. Alternatively, you can try raising your legs and feet above the level of your heart while you’re sleeping, as this can help with fluid retention and needing to urinate in the night.
For more sleep tips, see the 5 reasons why you should sleep with your socks on.