The Greens have slammed a “dangerous” new bill that would effectively “force” South Australians seeking an abortion from 28 weeks to give birth.
The private member’s bill, which is thankfully unlikely to pass both houses and become South Australian law, was introduced by Liberal frontbencher and so-called “Ron DeSantis of South Australia” Ben Hood earlier this week. Despite not having a uterus himself, Hood certainly has lots of opinions on the bodily autonomy of those who do.
The bill is not a Liberal policy, and the party will allow a conscience vote on it.
Under the proposed new legislation, a woman needing an abortion after 27 weeks and six days would need to deliver the baby, and then would be given the choice to keep it or adopt it out.
Currently, abortions after 22 weeks and six days are only allowed in circumstances deemed “medically appropriate” by two healthcare practitioners. Basically, this means late-term abortions only happen when there is significant risk to the physical or mental health of the pregnant person, or “serious foetal anomalies”.
In a Simone Biles-level display of mental gymnastics, Hood refuted criticism by claiming that giving birth still allows pregnant people to “end” the pregnancy.
“If a pregnancy must be ended, it requires that the baby be delivered alive,” he said, seemingly ignoring the genuine health risk to both mother and foetus that leads to many late-term abortions.
“The bill ensures that the mother’s decision to end her pregnancy is respected, but also that the child has an opportunity to live.
“In fact, the innovation of this bill is that it allows a mother to end her pregnancy throughout all nine months and indeed, right up to birth.”
Hood’s bill has been strongly supported by anti-abortion and “born alive” campaigner Joanna Howe, who wants “an Australia where abortion is unthinkable”.
Greens MLC Tammy Franks warned that “playing politics with healthcare is dangerous folly”.
“His proposal would force birth upon children; victims of rape, incest and sexual slavery; or on much wanted pregnancies where the mother or the foetus will not survive his forced-birth plans for them,” she said.
“The SA Greens stand firmly against attempts to roll back hard-won reproductive rights. We will continue to fight for policies that ensure access to comprehensive healthcare, including reproductive services, without fear or stigma.”
The proposal has also been criticised by experts at the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG), who note abortions are “an essential service”.
“They’re usually because the physical or mental health of the woman is endangered by the pregnancy, or because there is a significant concern with the foetus — the baby that could be born — that there’s something wrong with that baby,” RANZCOG South Australia committee chair Heather Waterfall said, according to the ABC.
Waterfall also argued, rightfully so, that decisions regarding abortion should be made by pregnant people and their healthcare providers, “rather than being made by politicians”.
According to SA Health, less than 1 percent (47) of terminations are performed after the current 22 week and six day threshold, while less than five abortions total happened after the 27 week mark.
The bill is unlikely to pass.
The post This SA MP’s Anti-Abortion Bill Will Force Pregnant Women To Give Birth To Non-Viable Foetuses appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .