Satire is at its best when you're almost sure it's a joke... but it could actually be real?!
That's the general vibe with Twitter user "Sarah Oxford-Laughdugry", whose bio describes her as a "Mumsnet and occasional Guardian commentator", and states she was a "reluctant" Tory voter, but "joined Labour to vote for Sir Keir as leader".
Do Sarahs exist? Oh absolutely 100 per cent. Is this account account actually real? Almost definitely not.
Their latest foray into the wonderful world of parodying the tremendously privileged may be this thread in which "Sarah" reveals that she is a landlord – everyone's favourite social class – and begs for support in this difficult time after overhearing her tenants complain about her... thanks to the listening device she has secretly installed in their home.
Feeling quite shaken after listening to the awful things a pair of our tenants said about us via the listening devices we installed in the flat. Calling us all the names under the sun because of next week's PLANNED inspection. Would really appreciate some virtual hugs and love.
— Oliver @ Sarah Oxford-Laughdugry Memorial Charity (@sarah_ox_laugh) March 21, 2020
As proof, she posted the, err, undercover recording, in which the "tenants" say, in relation to the inspection she wants to conduct:
Everyone's social distancing, we're supposed to be going into lockdown. I mean, they can't do an inspection actually. It's ridiculous! It's not safe! They're idiots. It's just not safe. We've got a bloody newborn baby. What are they thinking?
Understandably, "Sarah" disagreed:
Here's the audio. I keep bursting into tears each time I listen to it. Oliver wants them evicted immediately. Why are they so hateful? How can they such violent things about the people generous enough to HOUSE them? pic.twitter.com/pJXbydTLl4
— Oliver @ Sarah Oxford-Laughdugry Memorial Charity (@sarah_ox_laugh) March 21, 2020
And there's more!
They even went so far as to come for Sarah's husband Oliver's "art".
A second "recording" shows the "tenants" saying:
I found her Twitter account. It's the most preposterous thing you've ever seen. It's just self-aggradasising [sic] nonsense. She tweets about herself but she also thinks the sun shines out of her husband's arse. Posted excerpts from his screenplays, right. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read! It's hilarious.
"Sarah" is not happy (nor sober):
Oliver didn't want to let me hear this bit but I managed to convince him (we're on our 3rd bottle of wine). This is heartbreaking. What a hideous and awful thing to say about a good man's BRILLIANT art work. These shameful little rats wouldn't know creativity if it slapped them. pic.twitter.com/9bmzrnKVqQ
— Oliver @ Sarah Oxford-Laughdugry Memorial Charity (@sarah_ox_laugh) March 21, 2020
In case you were wondering what the "art" in question looks like, she treated us to a segment of his latest play, entitled Hard Bollocked Reality.
THIS is what they're mocking. I am absolutely furious. My husband's ART. You try to help the London housing crisis by buying up as many flats as possible and we're treated worse than rabid dogs. I'm so very angry. I could smash up a phone box. FURIOUS. https://t.co/RweVrJkloL
— Oliver @ Sarah Oxford-Laughdugry Memorial Charity (@sarah_ox_laugh) March 21, 2020
Particular gems include:


Art indeed.
Since the world entered into self-isolation and social distancing over coronavirus fears, people have been sharing disturbing tales of shockingly unempathetic and greedy landlords (such as this one who tried to force their tenants to accommodate house viewings). So it's little surprise people found the parody a little too real.
But mostly, Twitter was in on the joke.
This is simply awful I'm so sorry to hear you've gone through this *hugs*
— Friendly London Landlord (@LandlordSpeaks) March 21, 2020
Mine are trying to use this "virus" situation as an excuse to not pay rent 😠 something about "loss of income" - what about MY income, when did this country stop valuing the hard work of owning things??
Landlords, if you're reading this, please have some humanity in these trying times! (Like this guy.)