For many of us, LinkedIn can feel like an alien environment. The buzzwords and indecipherable acronyms, the sort of opinions that might make you do a double-take. However, if these posts make you feel out of place, it might be comforting to know you aren’t alone.
The “LinkedIn Memes For Go Getter Teens” Facebook page focuses on workplace memes that many of us might find painfully relatable. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote the most egregious examples, and be sure to write your own thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.
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#1 Post Is Bananas

Image credits: Zach Khoo
#2 This Is Too Good Linkedin Doesn't Deserve It

Image credits: Zerath Brightsong
#3 Legendary

Image credits: William Clementucci
For many of us, LinkedIn is and will probably remain the place you go when you need a new job. A casual scroll through the feed there is often enough of an indicator that this place is sort of like a foreign land, with its own norms, language, and inside jokes.
Indeed, LinkedIn users do sometimes seem to be some of the most positive folks out there. Every moment of personal growth or job movement is followed by an Oscar-winner-worthy speech about "this opportunity," followed by a host of people being thanked.
#4 If It's True It's A Chad Move. I Get Called Weekly By Recruters And May Try It

Image credits: Nicky Dale
#5 "You Better Pray Atlas Don't Shrug." Awesome

Image credits: Matthew Sims
#6 Some People Like To Work More. Some People Like To Work Less

Image credits: Moneyless Society
One effect of this insularity, which is pretty visible in the posts here is that so many people appear to be hopelessly out of touch. After all, if you were to moan about employee demands on your Facebook wall, at least a handful of your friends would jump into the comments to mock you. As hard as that might be to accept, it's perhaps for the best.
#7 Every "Con" To Remote Work That I'm Seeing People Post Here Is An Individual, Circumstantial Issue And Not An Actual Problem Inherent To Remote Work Itself

Image credits: SophAintSayIt
#8 Wtf?

Image credits: Tine_Rass
#9 God, I Love Gen Z

Image credits: Hariom Kushwaha
It doesn’t help that often enough, corporate language, with all its flowery positivity, is used to cover up the unfortunate fact that many things often get worse. Even worse, this tends to be presented as an upgrade, where some new, cost-saving technology is supposed to transfer its benefits to us and not the company.
#10 So True

Image credits: Raki Delboy Delić
#11 This Feels Somehow Illegal

Image credits: Tim Twelves
#12 Hero Of The Week

Image credits: Corbett Cummins
After all, the alternative is the "grindset" purported sincerely in some of the posts here. Without rational voices to keep them in check, some folks in their LinkedIn bubble have started to act like free time is a contagious disease. They have entered the war on the work-life balance on the side of work.
#13 Linkedin Park

Image credits: Asad Ullah
#14 Devastating News. I Put This Prompt Into Chatgpt And Ai Is Unfortunately Taking The Job Of This Group

Image credits: Kristoffer Brander
#15 This Is Crazy

Image credits: Paula Andrea
This is why groups like "LinkedIn Memes For Go Getter Teens” are important. Boasting 77.3 thousand members, it's proof that there are folks out there who see LinkedIn lingo as bizarre and quite mockable. After all, it's not just funny internet content, there are decision-makers out there who take these ideas to heart, to the detriment of all of us.
#16 By That Logic, The Blockbuster Account Is Tweeting At The Netflix Social Media Intern

Image credits: You Ready Grandma
#17 Satire But I Feel It Kinda Belongs Here

Image credits: huntercoldcalls
#18 Her Fired? Lol

Image credits: Nicky Chantrell
The other, perhaps slightly lesser, issue is that the “grindset” is ultimately unhealthy for the vast majority of the population. While it might assist with some productivity in the short term, ultimately it will lead to burnout. Depleting your mental and physical resources, only to be useless for multiple weeks afterward is not actually useful for anyone.
#19 The More You Know

Image credits: Adam Meents
#20 Form A Union, Watch The Factory Move To Mexico

Image credits: Veš Tivzenda
#21 Gen Z Swiftie Are Poser Smh My Head

Image credits: Victoria Zhong
After all, you are effectively trading a few weeks or months of productivity at best, to then spend just as much time recovering. Even if someone is quite career-minded, it’s important to note that then spending just as much time barely scraping by is going to be detrimental. Even worse, extreme cases of burnout often require and extended vacation.
#22 Done 3 Out Of The 6

Image credits: Mark Asator
#23 ?

Image credits: Austin Armstrong
#24 Here , A 2D Picture Of The Thing We Are Profitting From Congrats

Image credits: kaubin
#25 He May Have The Court But He'll Never Have The Streets

Image credits: Hillary Onyegbule
#26 I Hate How Real This Is

Image credits: Anna Andersdotter
#27 Honestly Yes, F**k Meetings, Might As Well Workout

Image credits: Wonderful Engineering
#28 Still A Longer Lifespan Than Your Average Bistro

Image credits: Timothy Chen
#29 Poor Guy, Hustler Lyf…

Image credits: Matt Couldrey
#30 Tipping Shouldn't Exist. Baristas And Waiters Shouldn't Have To Rely On Donations For A Decent Salary. Tipping Culture Is Mostly A Us Thing. Not Universal, Thankfully

Image credits: ChrisJBakke