As ancient as Wrexham’s chestnut tree might be, it is clearly a relative newcomer to this part of the world (Wrexham’s 480-year-old sweet chestnut crowned tree of the year, 18 October). Acton Park, where it lies, takes its name from the Anglo-Saxon “oak town”. And no, this isn’t just an old chestnut.
Bill Britell
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
• This award does not augur well for the Wrexham sweet chestnut in the light of the Sycamore Gap and Cubbington Pear atrocities. Could a webcam be set up to prevent a Wrexham chainsaw massacre?
Tom Brown
Newbury, Berkshire
• I’m not sure if I’ve ever been called intellectually superior before; if so, it probably wasn’t because I’ve no interest in what others have for breakfast (My favourite fetish? Diving into the food secrets of strangers, 15 October).
Cherry Weston
• Pals are not the only people you lose as you grow old (Anita Chaudhuri, 17 October). My address book is so full of crossed-out B&Bs, joiners, electricians, and retired plumbers that I have had to get a new one.
Margaret Squires
St Andrews, Fife
• My favourite Huddersfield description was that of a tall lanky youth as “nobbut a gret streak o’ pump watter” (Letters, 18 October).
Alan Rigby
Taunton, Somerset
• Nick Pattinson says a game requires an opponent (Letters, 17 October). He has obviously not played patience or solitaire.
Ed Foster
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.