As we welcome the New Year, it’s the perfect time to give your home a thorough clean and start 2025 on a fresh note.
But beyond the usual tidying up, there are specific areas that often get overlooked during regular cleaning routines that could do with some attention as we head into the New Year to clear away last year's cobwebs.
As with spring cleaning, it helps to have a plan. So, here's our New Year cleaning checklist of 10 top spots to tackle as we step into 2025.
New Year cleaning checklist
1. Carpets & rugs

Carpets and rugs accumulate dirt, dust, and allergens throughout the year. Now is the ideal time to give them a deep clean. Whether you use a professional service or rent the best steam cleaner, a thorough cleaning will refresh your carpets and rugs, making them look new again and contributing to a healthier indoor environment.
Karina Toner, operations manager at Spekless Cleaning, says, 'Especially during busy holiday seasons, carpets and rugs trap dust, allergens, and stains that can affect air quality and cause wear over time.
'Vacuum thoroughly to remove loose dirt. Spot clean stains with a carpet cleaner or a mixture of water, vinegar, and dish soap. For deep cleaning, use a carpet cleaning machine such as the top-rated, expert-approved Bissell Little Green carpet and upholstery cleaner, from Amazon.'
Depending on your approach, check out our guide to either how to clean a carpet without a machine, or how to steam clean carpet for all the top tips you'll need. If you're not sure which route is for you, our comparison of carpet cleaners and vacuum cleaners is a great place to start.
This stunning vacuum's combination of suction power and HEPA filter means it's perfectly engineered for combatting the intense dust that comes with home renovations. Its precisely-angled laser illumination makes microscopic dust visible, while its LCD screen calculates collected particles in real-time.
Dawn's free and clear range is free from dyes and ideal for quickly addressing spot stains. Available in easy to use refills, the spray-activated suds cut through grease on contact, making it great for cleaning multiple surfaces around the home. Just spray, wipe, and rinse.
This high-quality vinegar comes with more than 10,000 5-star Amazon customer reviews and is a powerful, natural cleaning agent that can effectively remove grease, mineral deposits, and odors around the home, as well as whiten, brighten and freshen up your laundry. All this without the use of harsh chemicals.
2. Underneath furniture

When was the last time you cleaned under your furniture? Dust and debris often collect in these hidden areas.
Toner says, 'Dust, pet hair, and allergens often accumulate under furniture where they remain undisturbed, affecting indoor air quality and potentially triggering allergies or respiratory issues.
'Carefully move furniture to access hard-to-reach areas. Use a vacuum cleaner with a long-reach attachment to remove dust and debris, and then use a damp mop or microfiber cloth to catch any remaining particles.'
Our Shark vs Dyson shopping guide will help if you're unsure on the best vacuum for the job. This Ewbank Multi-Use Floor Cleaner from Wayfair can clean, scrub and polish floors.
Toner adds, 'You'll feel great going into the new year knowing there isn't loads of dirt and dust beneath you.'
3. Inside the oven

The oven is another area that tends to get neglected.
Toner says, 'Especially after a busy holiday season of cooking, built-up grease and food residue in the oven can create smoke, odors, and even a potential fire hazard. Cleaning the oven will not only improve its efficiency but also ensure healthier and more flavorful cooking.
'To clean, make a DIY cleaning solution by mixing baking soda [such as Arm & Hammer baking soda, from Walmart] with water to form a paste and spread it across the oven’s interior. Let it sit overnight to loosen stubborn grime. In the morning, use a damp cloth to wipe away the paste, and follow up with a vinegar spray to neutralize any remaining residue.'
Toner recommends Easy-Off Oven Cleaner from Amazon, adding, 'It's great. Known for its powerful grease-cutting properties, this product quickly dissolves baked-on food and grime, reducing the time and effort required.'
If you want to clean an oven without chemicals, consider investing in a steam cleaner. Steam helps to melt away tough grease without damaging the oven, and can also be used to clean glass oven doors without them shattering.
A deep clean at the start of the year will ensure your oven is in top condition for all your cooking in 2025.
The Black & Decker steam cleaner is one of the best on the market, with attachments to clean ovens, tiles and grout, upholstery, clothes, and floors. There is very little it cannot do
4. Inside the dishwasher

Dishwashers clean our dishes, but they also need to clean themselves.
Toner says, 'A dirty dishwasher can harbor mold, bacteria, and food particles, leading to bad odors and reduced cleaning efficiency. And if you've had a busy season of cooking and hosting, the machine will likely have been very busy indeed.
'Begin the cleaning process by removing any debris from the filter, then run an empty cycle with a cup of vinegar on the top rack to break down grease and remove odors. Follow with a baking soda rinse to neutralize smells.'
Affresh Dishwasher Cleaner from Walmart is another, highly effective option that attacks limescale and mineral build-up. It comes with thousands of satisfied customer reviews.
How often you should clean a dishwasher depends on how often you use it, but maintaining a regular cleaning schedule is vital to banish bad kitchen smells and ensure your appliance runs efficiently.
5. Kitchen sink

The kitchen sink is one of the most used areas in the home, especially over the festive period, making it a hotspot for bacteria and grime.
Toner says, 'Clean with baking soda to remove stains, rinse thoroughly, and disinfect with a solution of vinegar or bleach diluted with water. Wipe down the faucet with a mild cleaner to remove any spots.'
For stainless steel faucets, try Mrs Meyer's Clean Day Vinegar Gel Cleaning Spray from Target. It not only cleans but leaves a mild, refreshing citrus scent.
6. Fridge & freezer

As you enter 2025, take the time to empty and clean your fridge and freezer.
Microbiologist Shaun Veran, chief operating officer at OURA, explains, 'Your fridge can quickly become a health hazard if it isn’t cleaned. Storing produce in a dirty fridge turns food into a breeding ground for germs. Spoiled food can quickly grow bacteria and mold which can then contaminate the other items in your fridge, causing them to decay faster.
'For a thorough New Year clean, start by emptying the fridge and freezer completely and tossing out any expired or spoiled food. Remove shelves, bins, and drawers, and wash them with warm, soapy water.
'Use a mixture of white vinegar and water or a food-safe disinfectant spray like Clorox Pro Anywhere Daily Disinfectant, available from Amazon, to wipe down the interior surfaces. Pay attention to crevices where spills or crumbs may have accumulated. A commonly forgotten spot is the rubber seals around the doors of the fridge.'
Finish by thoroughly drying everything before replacing the shelves and food. Consider using salt and coffee to deodorize a fridge without chemicals and keep smells at bay.
7. Pillows & pillowcases

We spend a lot of time in bed, so it’s important to keep pillows and pillowcases clean. How often you wash pillows will depend on your lifestyle and how often they are used, but we generally recommend every six months
Veran says, 'Pillows and pillowcases come into direct contact with your skin and hair for several hours every night, collecting oils, sweat, dead skin cells, and bacteria. In a shocking study by Amerisleep, pillowcases were found to contain more than 17,000 times the bacteria of a toilet seat after just one week of use!
'Over time, this bacterial buildup can lead to acne, skin irritation, and even exacerbate respiratory issues for those with allergies or asthma, so ensuring your pillows and pillowcases are regularly cleaned is crucial for maintaining clear, healthy skin.
'Wash pillowcases in warm water. For pillows, follow the manufacturer's care instructions — some can be machine washed, while others may require dry or spot cleaning.' When washing pillows in the washing machine, throw a tennis ball in with them to help fluff them up throughout the cycle.
Veran recommends the OURA Pillowcase, which is infused with copper to kill 99% of bacteria and extend the freshness of the pillows between washes.
8. Bath towels

Bath towels can harbor bacteria if not washed frequently enough. As part of your New Year cleaning, wash towels the right way to make towels soft again.
Veran says, 'Wash towels in warm water and avoid fabric softeners, which can reduce absorbency over time. Drying off using musty towels can lead to skin irritation, fungal infections, and acne, so the new year is a good time to go through your linen closet and toss any that have seen better days.'
If your towels have become scratchy, wash towels with vinegar to help strip away product buildup and restore their fluffiness.
Arm & Hammer Plus OxiClean Odor Blasters Liquid Laundry Detergent, available from Walmart, is great for keeping towels soft and smelling fresh. Veran recommends OURA's antimicrobial Alta Towel, adding, 'With 100% cotton infused with copper, these towels stay fresher longer and won’t develop a musty odor.'
9. Window tracks

Window tracks often get overlooked during regular cleaning, but they can collect dirt, dust, and even mold.
Veran says, 'Begin by using a vacuum with a narrow attachment to remove loose debris and dust from the window tracks. Loosen any harder-to-remove debris with a track brush.'
Veran recommends these Rienar Hand-held Window Track Brushes from Amazon, which have a scraper at the other end for any harder-to-remove debris. You can also check out our guide to the best handheld vacuum cleaners.
Veran continues, 'Next, make a cleaning solution with equal parts white vinegar and water. Apply the solution with an old toothbrush, scrubbing the tracks to loosen stubborn grime and mold.
'Finally, wipe away the dirt with a microfiber cloth, then rinse the area with clean water and dry thoroughly. If there is heavy buildup, let the vinegar solution sit for a few minutes before scrubbing.'
Finish the task off by cleaning windows without streaks. It might seem like an odd task in the middle of winter, but it is actually recommended to avoid cleaning windows in hot weather to limit watermarks.
10. High-touch surfaces

High-touch surfaces like light switches, doorknobs, and remote controls are hotspots for germs. They are a househeold chore you should be doing weekly, but there is no harm in a big New Year's refresh.
Veran says, 'Particularly over a busy holiday season, these areas can easily become contaminated and result in transferring bacteria and viruses throughout your house. Over time, they can accumulate a significant amount of germs, especially if someone in the house is sick.
'The good news is that the cleaning process is super simple - a quick rub with a disinfectant wipe like Clorox Disinfecting Wipes from Target will suffice. These wipes kill 99% of germs which makes them ideal for scenarios like this. Just make sure to allow the solution to dry without wiping it off to ensure maximum efficacy of the sanitizing solution.'
Disinfecting these areas and focusing on target hygiene to reduce illness at the start of the year will help reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses, contributing to a healthier home environment.
So there you have it — your New Year cleaning checklist. Taking the time to clean these often-neglected areas will help you enter 2025 with a fresh and organized home. By addressing these 10 spots, you’ll set the stage for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive year ahead.
Next, check out these New Year's resolutions for a high-performing home and how to embrace the Japanese tradition of Oosouji in the New Year.