A Diablo 4 player has rolled what might be the luckiest item ever.
Seen below is the Magus Ring, an Ancestral Rare Ring, as first reported by Icy-Veins. The ring firstly has an awesome item power of 777, but crucially only requires a character level of 80 in order to wield, which is one of the more recent changes from Blizzard taking effect, lowering the character level requirements for Ancestral gear.
My first full max piece of gear from r/diablo4
It's what comes next that really makes this ring incredibly lucky. The Magus Ring boasts +24.8% lightning resistance and poison resistance for the player, while also offering +14% vulnerable damage, and +17.5% critical strike damage, a deadly combination in themselves for striking vulnerable foes for huge damage in just one hit.
There's also +664 maximum life for the player character, and a nice bonus of +5% critical strike chance as the cherry on top. There's even an empty Vicious Malignant slot open on the Magus Ring, making this, as several Reddit comments underneath the post point out, a god-tier item for basically any seasonal character in Diablo 4 Season 1.
Speaking of Reddit comments, there's also a lot of responses bemoaning the fact the ring is 'Account Bound,' meaning it can't be traded to another account in Diablo 4. One commenter reckons the Magus Ring would sell for "well over 700 million gold on discord," which we reckon is a really swift way to get yourself banned from playing Diablo 4 by Blizzard.
A new Diablo 4 hotfix is coming "very soon," according to Blizzard, and it's set to finally remedy one bugged side quest that outright stops players from completing it.
Check out our Diablo 4 Halls of the Damned location guide for a look at where to bag a Legendary Aspect for your character.