Want to know what the most toxic item in your bathroom is? It’s your shower curtain.
While easy mold build up is the key issue with shower curtains, our toxicologists explain that unfortunately, there's more to shower curtain toxicity.
Here, our panel of experts reveals exactly how and why shower curtains can be toxic, and the simple fixes to reduce the risk of mold and any health issues this toxic bathroom item can bring.
Why shower curtains are toxic in bathrooms
First, why would a shower curtain be toxic? A lot of things get called 'toxic' nowadays when they’re not, but unfortunately, in the case of shower curtains, there really is cause for concern.
Dr. Paul Savage, toxin expert and chief medical officer at MDLifespan, explains, 'Yes, shower curtains can be toxic, especially those made from PVC.'
The issue with PVC (polyvinyl chloride) shower curtains, Dr Paul explains is that they 'release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, which have been linked to respiratory issues and other health concerns.'
A study by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice found that PVC shower curtains release over 100 potentially harmful VOCs into the air during the first month of use, at concentrations 16 times greater than the safe limits established by the U.S. Green Building Council.
The newer the curtain, the more VOCs it emits. A telltale sign that you’ve bought a PVC shower curtain is the characteristic 'new shower curtain' smell. What you’re smelling is a cocktail of chemicals that can be harmful to health.
The other potential issue with your shower curtain is mold. The mold that builds up on your shower curtain can be problematic, according to Savage. He explains, 'especially for individuals with respiratory conditions or mold sensitivities. Mold spores can exacerbate allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues.'
Even if you’re not sensitive to mold, the type that tends to grow on shower curtains can give you body odor. Yes, according to Cleveland Clinic, your shower curtain could be responsible for B.O. issues even though you’re showering regularly. Not life-threatening, but pretty unpleasant.
Mold will grow on your shower curtain regardless of the exact material it’s made from. Mold likes damp places, and shower curtains are often soaking wet, especially if you push yours aside after showering, or if your shower curtain is too long for your bath or shower.
Four ways to make your shower safer
1. Remove shower curtains and replace with glass

It’s understandable why people use plastic shower curtain liners: they’re cheap and they make cleaning a bathroom easier. And let’s be clear: the PVC curtains that are the most problematic in your bathroom are the transparent liners many of us use to protect the nicer, more expensive fabric shower curtains in our bathrooms.
The trouble is, most of us replace these cheap liners every few weeks, which means you’re starting the cycle of inhaling those fresh VOCs regularly
The best solution to this problem is just getting rid of shower curtains altogether and replacing them with a glass shower panel. Glass is hygienic, easy to clean, and, if you share your bathroom, you can get frosted and patterned options for privacy.
2. Wash shower curtain weekly

If you don’t want glass, or can’t get a glass panel installed for some reason, you can try going without liners and just washing your shower curtain more frequently. It is true that your shower curtain will wear out faster if you wash it more often, but it’s still worth doing to prevent the buildup of mold and bacteria.
Ideally, you’ll need to clean your shower curtain on a hot machine cycle every week, but every other week should still be ok. In my experience, a high-quality hemp or linen shower curtain is a good investment.
These natural fibers tolerate high temperatures well and don't wear out that fast. They also tend to be stylish, with lots of shower curtain ideas to explore.
If you want to be completely safe, why not ditch plastic curtain liners altogether and go with a natural material? This shower curtain is 100% cotton. A cotton curtain won't be waterproof, but if you're careful when bathing/showering, you may not need it to be. Machine washable.
3. Switch to a PEVA shower curtain liner

Weekly shower curtain laundering is a bit of a commitment, without a doubt. If you really don’t see yourself doing this regularly, then consider still getting shower curtain liners, but ones made from PEVA (polyethylene vinyl acetate). According to Savage, they 'are less likely to emit harmful chemicals.'
This doesn’t mean that PEVA is completely safe. A study from 2014 found that PEVA shower curtains also emit potentially harmful VOCs; however, the adverse effects it recorded were observed in worms not humans. PEVA does not contain chlorine, however, which is responsible for the easy release of VOCs from PVC.
If you still prefer to use a clear shower curtain liner, PEVA is still a better option than PVC: just know that it’s not a 100% 'safe' or 'clean' alternative. It’s just somewhat better.
Accoring to our toxin experts, PEVA shower liners are safer than PVC. And while PEVA still emits VOCs, it's likely less toxic than PVC, thanks to the fact that PEVA does not contain chlorine. If you're fond of replacable shower liners, swap your PVC ones with these ones.
4. Clean with vinegar every 7 days

As for removing mold from your shower curtain, you should do this every week, 'with a safe, non-toxic cleaner like white vinegar, which has disinfecting properties”, according to Savage. Vinegar is a time-tested, non-toxic home essential that you likely already have in your pantry.
You can try store-bought sprays, too, but ultimately, preventing mold growth is much easier than getting rid of black mold.
In this writer’s experience, once a shower curtain has got mold on it, there’s not much to be done apart from replacing it with a new one.
Mold proliferates quickly, and a tiny spot you miss will mean that the whole curtain will get moldy again within days. The amount of time and effort you’ll spend trying to scrub out every spot of mold from the curtain just isn’t worth it. Savage concurs, adding, 'If you can't get it out, throw it away!'
Vinegar is the simple household ingredient recommended by our expert to keep your shower clean. This spray will take your maintenance cleaning to a new level thanks to the addition of a surfactant and essential oils like eucalyptus and rosemary. Note that this spray is very much for preventing mold growth and won't remove existing mold.
Meet our experts
Shower curtains can be surprisingly hazardous in your bathroom, especially if you're still using PVC shower curtain liners. While the exact health impact of the VOCs they emit will vary from person to person, it's better to be on the safe side and go with a safer option.
And don't forget to clean your shower curtain regularly, both with a vinegar-based spray and regular laundering, if yours is machine washable. There's plenty you can clean with vinegar around your home.