A woman was delighted to hear her cat had won a fierce competition to be crowned the cutest in Merseyside.
Leanne Connolly's cat Milo was named the winner of our Mersey Snaps photo competition after more than 5,000 readers voted for him, thousands more than the next runner up. We had asked our readers to send in the cutest pictures of their cats and put them to a vote.
Leanne, 37, from Bootle, who bought Milo on 'impulse' during the first lockdown, said she was 'made up' to hear he'd won the competition and said she might even get him a little trophy, as well as some Dreamies cat treats.
READ MORE: Adorable cats looking for their forever homes in Merseyside

Leanne, who has three cats and lives with her partner, told the ECHO: "He was the last of the litter. I think he was the runt.
"I saw him advertised and thought he's such a nice cat. He's quite a mother's boy. He's obsessed with brushes. I can't brush my hair without him jumping on my back.

"I always have to make sure to close the door when brushing my hair."
Leanne said she saw our call for the cutest cat pictures on the ECHO app on her phone, and decided to 'give it a go'. She added: "The picture of him in the box was taken when we were just laying about."
"I'm made up. I'm a little bit shocked he won.

"I was looking yesterday and there was one cat with a tie on doing well, so I was worried and didn't think he'd win.
"It's just a bit of fun but it's nice. I feel dead proud of him. I feel sorry for my step-dad though. He said he'd match the votes in body squats."
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