The unique relationship between humans and cats began over 10,000 years ago. It started out of convenience, as people became more settled and needed pest control for their homes and crop storage. However, over time, their bond evolved into something special that has continued to grow for tens of thousands of years.
To honor the beautiful connection between humans and felines, we have a list of some of the most adorable and funniest memes collected by the ‘Cats In Play Mode’ Instagram account. Scroll down to find them and make sure to upvote the ones that you got a kick out of.
While you're at it, don't forget to check out a conversation with Sandra Grossmann, certified companion animal nutritionist, certified feline training and behavior specialist, and founder of The Feline Consultant, who kindly agreed to tell us more about the bond between cats and humans.
#1 We Don't Deserve Cats 🥹

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#2 Emo Kitty

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#3 Looks Like A Dream Come True

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#4 "You've Got To Be Kitten Me!"

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#5 All Powerful

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#6 The Prophecy Is True

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#7 She's Just A Baby

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#8 Twins

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#9 Typical Cat Behavior

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#10 Orange Cat Behavior

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#11 Priorities Are Straight

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#12 The Dog Did It

Image credits: catsinplaymode

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#14 Sibling Rivalry

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#15 Genius 😂

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#16 As You Should

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#17 Feed Me, Hooman

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#18 Just Another Day At The Vet

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#19 Give Her Everything

Image credits: NoreenMasud
#20 Apple Bottom Jeans

Image credits: catsinplaymode

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#22 Locked In

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#23 I'd Hire Them

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#24 (C)law Enforcement

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#25 Sam Is My Spirit Animal

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#26 This Deserves A Purrlitzer

Image credits: catsinplaymode

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#28 If I Fits, I Sits Level 1,000

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#29 The Story Of My Life

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#30 Stop Being Shellfish And Share

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#31 How Rude 😠

Image credits: emwheezie
#32 How Dare You

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#33 "What Am I Doing With My Lives."

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#34 "Have A Seat."

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#35 Spicy Cookies

Image credits: catsinplaymode

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#37 "Look What I Can Do"

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#38 Cat-Ivity Scene

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#39 I've Got My Eye On You

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#40 This Cat Has Been Hogging The Brain Cell

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#41 "What An Ugly Kitchen."

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#42 That's Such A Cat Thing To Do

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#43 Purritos

Image credits: catsinplaymode
#44 Santa Claws

Image credits: catsinplaymode