Can a simple morning routine add more years to life? A longevity expert reveals a popular drink can help with longevity if taken at the right time.
In a recent TikTok video, longevity expert Dan Buettner delves into the surprising longevity benefits of coffee, a beverage that millions of people consume daily, often as a simple pick-me-up rather than for its health advantages.
Although coffee is a morning staple for many, a ritual to jumpstart the day, Buettner suggests that timing is everything. Drinking coffee at the wrong time could potentially have negative effects on your health. "Start your day with coffee, not your night," he said in the video.
"I think one of the greatest longevity beverages out there is coffee, but I think one of the most important secrets to drinking it and living longer is to drink it before noon. If you drink your cup of coffee or two before noon, it actually lowers your chance of cardiovascular disease," he said in the video.
"If you are drinking your coffee [in the] afternoon or evening, it doesn't seem to do that. Plus, if you are drinking coffee too late in the day, it may interrupt your sleep," Buettner explained. "Bad sleep equals shorter life," he added.
There is scientific evidence supporting this theory. A recent observational study published in the European Heart Journal examined coffee drinking patterns in 40,725 adults and identified two main patterns: morning-type (36% of participants) and all-day-type (14% of participants). After a 10-year follow-up, morning-type coffee drinkers showed significantly lower risks of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality compared to non-coffee drinkers.
The study emphasized that the timing of coffee consumption is crucial—higher coffee intake was linked to a lower risk of all-cause mortality in morning-type drinkers, but this benefit was not observed in those who consumed coffee throughout the day.
Before deciding to drink more coffee, it is important to be aware that excessive caffeine consumption can negatively affect your health. It can lead to symptoms such as increased heart rate, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, and jitters. Additionally, it may cause digestive issues like an upset stomach and nausea, along with headaches.
For most healthy adults, consuming up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day is considered safe. This is roughly equivalent to the amount of caffeine in four cups of brewed coffee.