The hilarious creator behind "The Jenkins" comic series strikes again with new additions that will keep you entertained!
The artist previously shared that his original three Jenkins characters—the Jenkins brothers—were created when he was 13 years old. His bizarre scenarios cover all sorts of topics, from real-life happenings with a surreal twist to absolutely absurd ones. Either way, they will definitely make you giggle once you are on board with the joke.
Without further ado, let's hop into the post and read the interview with the artist below.
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Image credits: thejenkinscomic
In an interview with Bored Panda, the artist shared whether there were any changes since the beginning of this year. Jenkins wrote: “Since my last article, the content of the comic has pretty much stayed the same. There isn't any special news. There’s a good deal of new comics to enjoy, though!”

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic
The artist also shared a bit about his typical day when working on a new comic.
“I’m not a full-time artist, so school and work come first. I make comics when I have time and feel motivated to.
When I come up with an idea, I jot down the dialogue and sketch out how it will fit into a panel structure. Then, I step away from it for at least a few hours, if not a full day. Drawing out the comic is pretty straightforward since usually the content is simple enough. I usually work on ideating in the afternoon and drawing in the evening. A comic usually gets drawn all in one day, often in one sitting. Then I wait an extra day to get a fresh look at it before posting.
The lifecycle of a comic from inception to posting can last for months. Last month, I published a strip about the Olympics that was probably 80% finished in March. And in 2022, I published a comic about Rubik’s cubes that had been fully completed 2 years earlier. I don’t have any full comics sitting around right now,” wrote Jenkins.

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic
We were wondering if the artist ever had to scrape a comic idea after starting it and what made him decide to abandon it.
Jenkins shared: “I scrap more comic leads than I publish. Just from the past two months, there are maybe 10 ideas I spent several hours each on that I ultimately didn’t feel were good enough. There are some attempts to do a flip on that old “Thanks, I need this yob” Yale/jail joke, which probably isn’t popular enough to lampoon. There’s one about a man who gets a party invite from “Electricity Bill”, which turns out to be his electricity bill. I wasn’t sure how to end it. One was a list of “Common Google Interview Mistakes” where #1 is “Asking Jeeves”, but I wasn’t sure what else would be on the list. I also spent over 30 iterations on the phrase “roll over” as a potential sequel to an earlier comic about dogs in the workplace. That didn’t lead anywhere. Then another set of toying with the phrase “Who let bro cook”, which I feel my audience would probably not like. And something about a mom keeping her kid on a leash in an art museum because “He tries to jump into the landscapes.” The main reasons I abandon a lead are because A) it’s not that funny, B) it’s confusing or obscure, or C) it deserves to be done well and I don’t know how to execute it.”

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic
If the artist could bring one of his comics to life as a short animated film, we were wondering which one would Jenkins choose and why. The artist wrote: “If I could bring one of my comics to life as a short video, it would be one that is greatly elevated by adding a funny voice. So, my pick would probably be the one where Yoda is asked if he’s “working hard” or “hardly working”.”
Lastly, Jenkins added: “Thanks for reading the comic!”

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic

Image credits: thejenkinscomic