Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 launches this Friday with the first “battle royale” mode for the series.
Now, Treyarch has released a heat map that shows where the most action went down during Black Ops 4′s Blackout beta.
Unsurprisingly, the hottest portions of the map are named locations and some central areas near named locations. The coolest areas tend to be around the outskirts of the map, especially in the southeast corner near Turbine.
Check it out:

What’s especially cool (hot?) about this map is how evenly spread everything is. Sure, the Turbine outskirts are pretty thin but by and large all the named areas are fairly hot and there’s not a ton of space that’s devoid of activity.
Nuketown Island, Cargo Docks, Estates and Rivertown are all burning hot, but not that much more than Train Station, Hydro Dam or Asylum.
Hopefully Treyarch continues to release these post-launch so we can see how the fight changes over time, if at all. I imagine the studio will be adding new locations and changes in the future that will continue to change where players choose to land and limited-time modes that impact the hottest zones.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 launches October 12th on PC, Xbox One and PS4.