Here, kitty kitty! Are any cat lovers out there? We’re sure there are a lot of you around, so stick with us for a while. Especially if you’re a cat parent, you might have a good laugh going through this post that we’ve created especially for you. If you’re looking for a space where only real cat enthusiasts will understand you, this is the right place.
We’d like to share some relatable cartoons by an artist you might already be familiar with if you follow the comic content shared on Bored Panda. None other than Mark Parisi, best known for his series ‘Off the Mark’, wanted to share some more details about his work dedicated to cats. Trust us, this is a significant part of his overall work, so we knew there must be something special about felines that inspired him to create these brilliant strips about owning a cat and the common behaviors we all observe in our kitties. We weren’t wrong! We actually got in touch with Mark and found out about his precious 14-year-old cat, Purrsy. Parisi says his ginger companion “is the sweetest guy and inspires me daily, especially when it comes to shedding cartoons.”
Scroll down to explore the ‘cat edition’ of the ‘Off the Mark’ series and find out more about them from the artist himself.


Image credits: mark_parisi_otm
Mark told us the reason cats are so prominently present in his cartoons are: “Cats are great and have so many fun quirks. I'll never run out of cat ideas.”
We also asked some questions related to his whole artistic work. For instance, we wanted to know how the works of Charles Schulz, MAD Magazine, and Gary Larson influenced Parisi’s unique style and approach to creating cartoons. The artist shared with us: “Schulz taught me the simplicity of line and expression. MAD showed how fun it was to be subversive. Larson combined both and was wickedly funny.”

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm
The cartoonist also shared with us what specific moments from his life as a cat owner sparked an idea for one of his feline-themed comics: “Many of my cat cartoons come from personal experience, but what comes to mind is a recent one (April 18) shows a man seeing his cat in the perfect pose, and just as he gets ready to take a pic, the cat licks its butt. That happens all the time.”

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm
Asked how some of the current events and everyday occurrences, like pop culture and pandemics, have influenced the themes and humor in his cat cartoons, Mark said: “With the pandemic, I did a lot of Work at Home cartoons, which were heavy with cats. With politics, I've shown cats as Election Support Pets. As far as pop culture, there's the Floof Fighters. There is always an angle.”

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm
Lastly, we were curious what the cartoonist hopes his readers take away from his cat-themed works. The author of the ‘Off the Mark’ series told us: “I love cats but hope my cat cartoons appeal to both cat lovers and cat dislikers. I hope I can turn a disliker into a lover, but doubt it!”

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm

Image credits: mark_parisi_otm