Most of us would agree that at some point AI technology has made us feel some existential doubts. For a new generation growing up with ChatGPT in hand, one can only imagine what the future holds. But snack brand Lunchables is here to fill us with hope, proving that K.I. (Kid Imagination) is far superior to artificial intelligence.
While AI art is constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity, Lunchables' #MadeWithKI campaign puts it to the test, giving kids and computers the same creative prompt. From mozzarella submarines to pretzel swords, the kids' creations prove that childhood imagination is the ultimate tool for thinking outside the box, with AI struggling to reach such creative heights.

Created by the Kraft Heinz Company, Lunchables Dunkables is a kid's snack that inspires creativity. Given the prompt "Imagine our Dunkables Mozza Sticks or Pretzel Twists as something fantastical,” both the kids and computers were tasked with creating something truly unique. While the kids thought up an array of magnificent imaginings, like the iconic 'pretzel snake' and adorable 'mozza bunny', the AI struggled to think beyond the brief, concocting underwhelming food-related creations.
The campaign aims to prove that nothing can out-imagine childhood creativity – even the latest innovative technology. Even AI seems to agree, as when asked if kids were better at getting creative, it responded "Yes, kids are more imaginative". The wonderful kid's creations will be seen at various pop-up exhibitions across major museums in the US including Austin, Texas and Los Angeles. You can keep up with the charming campaign via the Lunchables Instagram page.
For more childhood creativity, check out Drake's album cover that was drawn by a 5-year-old (yes, literally). If you're after more inspiring stories, take a look at the drawings that got a 13-year-old a Louis Vuitton internship.