Whatever your reasons for working out, you should include routines that get your heart rate up and increase your aerobic capacity.
Whether you’re a CrossFitter looking to move faster and more efficiently, or your main focus is strength training but you want to incorporate conditioning sessions into your routine, personal trainer Tess Glynne-Jones recently shared a 30-minute workout that you need to try.
It’s an AMRAP workout, which means the aim is to complete as many rounds and reps as possible within the 30-minute time frame.
The routine is mostly made up of bodyweight exercises but you’ll also need a pull-up bar, a medicine ball for wall balls and a cardio machine that tracks calories burned, such as a BikeErg, SkiErg or rowing machine.
Take a look at Glynne-Jones’s Instagram Reel where she takes you through each move.
Although this session is meant to be challenging, you should pace yourself so that you don’t exhaust yourself in 10 minutes.
Glynne-Jones says that you should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth throughout this workout, using your breath to monitor your work rate. That means if you’re no longer able to breathe like this, you need to lower the intensity.
Concentrate on maintaining good form throughout, not only to reduce the chance of injury, but to conserve energy—30 minutes is a long time to be working without regular rest periods, although this will help to improve your muscular endurance.
Another good tip for working out smartly is this wall ball tip from CrossFitter Aniol Ekai. “Don’t stay with your arms outstretched at the top of the movement,” says Ekai, who points out that when you’re performing hundreds of wall balls, as you will in this workout, that’s minutes you’ll be spending with your arms above your head, and that extra effort adds up. You can read more tips from Ekai in our wall ball form guide.
If you haven’t mastered the toes-to-bar movement yet, Glynne-Jones suggests performing the V-sit. That’s still a challenging abs move and you’ll find more regressions in our V-sit exercise guide to find a movement to suit your current level of fitness.