A gardener became thirsty at work and drove to a shop for wine twice within a few hours – then caused a three-car crash. David Hoctor from Cardiff was driving his Volkswagen Caravelle along Western Avenue in Llandaff on May 9 when he failed to notice the traffic ahead had stopped for a red traffic light.
Prosecutor Jack Stanley told Cardiff Magistrates' Court on Thursday: "He realised far too late what was ahead of him and shunted one car in the back, which then hit another. Police attended and suspected he was under the influence of alcohol."
The 53-year-old, of Bwlch Road in Fairwater, blew 91mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath and admitted drink-driving. A probation officer told the court: "He admits he consumes alcohol in excess at times of stress but he also says he can enjoy a glass of wine or two.
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"He is a self-employed gardener who was working on site at the time. It was a nice day and he decided he fancied a drop of wine. He drove from the site in Heath to a local shop and purchased a bottle of wine then went back to the site and consumed the bottle. He enjoyed it so much he decided he needed some more so he drove back to the shop for another bottle, returned to the site, and consumed half of that bottle.
"Mr Hoctor didn't feel his judgement was impaired at the time. He consumes a lot of energy drinks which have a high caffeine content and had been working hard gardening so he believed he was working off the alcohol. It is fortunate no-one was seriously injured as a result of the collision. He says to me this is a real wake-up call for him."
The defendant, whose wife of 20 years sat in the public gallery to support him, has one child. The court heard family issues had caused him to drink to excess at the time of the offence but he has been seeking help with his mental health through counselling. Hoctor is on antidepressants but has found them "ineffective" despite increasing dosages. "I do fear Mr Hoctor would suffer emotionally if incarcerated today," the probation officer added.

Presiding Justice Shan Clark told Hoctor: "You're one very lucky man – a bottle and a half of wine. You're lucky you didn't injure anyone and it was only metal that got damaged. We do understand it's been a salutary lesson for you."
She imposed a 23-month driving ban, 10 days of rehabilitation activity, 80 hours of unpaid work, £85 in prosecution costs, and a £95 victim services surcharge. As the hearing ended Mrs Clark addressed the defendant's wife: "Thank you, Mrs Hoctor, for coming to court. I assume you are driving?"
The Hoctors laughed as the magistrate went on: "You would be surprised. People do drive to court when they're up for driving with excess alcohol. You just think: 'Really?'"
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