Ballymena - City of the Seven Towers, hometown of Liam Neeson and McGroggan's ice cream.
It may get some slagging from those Belfast folk but it's our wee town and we are the only ones allowed to give it abuse!
And while it is ever-changing and growing, it's still an NI shopping hotspot filled with unique experiences that only the people who were raised here will know.
Read more: Belfast Live readers share the mum threats they heard growing up
Here are somethings you will know if you grew up in Ballymena:
1. Ballymena HEY!
Thanks to THAT television advert in the 1990s, telling people where you’re from is immediately followed by them shouting ‘hey!’ loudly.
If a Belfast taxi man asks where the accent is from, just say outside the city...
2. 'Facing'
You didn’t court as a teenager, you ‘faced’. "Will you face my mate?" sparked terror and excitement in equal measure for many during the 90s.
3. The famous faces
Your da says he's mates with Jackie Fullerton and your best mate is cousins with Liam Neeson. Funny how everyone in Ballymena seems to be related to him...
4. The town with TWO shopping centres
The Tower Centre used to have a shiny gold ceiling which you could see yourself in if you leaned right back while your mum walked you through to Dunnes.
5. Alright Sham?
You addressed your mates as ‘sham’. 'Alright sham?' was the universal greeting. Later, this evolved to shem when sham was hijacked by those farmers in Ballymoney.
6. Culchie/townie identity complex
Ballymena people have an identity complex due to our geography. To Belfast folk we are culchies, and to Ballymoney folk, townies.
7. The train to the Port or Belfast is a major day out

You go down to the Port and up to Belfast - despite the geographical errors in those statements.
8. McGroggan's 99s
The town may be packed with delicious ice-cream parlours now but everyone knows the original spot for a Sunday treat was McGroggan's.
Our mouths are watering just thinking of their classic vanilla and raspberry sauce.
9. Bus station brawls
You were caught up in a fight at the bus station - whether intentional or not. Come 3.30pm, the station resembled a scene from Gangs of New York.
10. The iconic State Cinema
The first film you saw in the cinema was bound to be something like Jurassic Park at the State.
11. The People's Park
Top spot for skiving from school - provided your ma didn’t decide to head down and feed the ducks.
It has really transformed over the last number of years but now its great to be able to bring your own kids down to somewhere you loved in your childhood.
A missed institution in the area.
12. The 'City' of the Seven Towers
Who else can say they live in a town that calls itself a city...
13. Enough of the sheep slander!
Contrary to popular belief, you do not have nor have you ever had an encounter with a sheep - with or without your wellies.
14. Christmas Lights switch on was the biggest night of the year
The Christmas lights go up earlier than anywhere else in Northern Ireland - sometimes anywhere in the UK.
When Radio Cracker gets played across the town, you know Santa is coming.
15. This photo isn't even shocking...
What's weird about driving along Church Street with a COW in the back seat of your car?
This picture is real - I know, we still can't wrap our heads around it.
16. Solomon Grundy's
As a child, Saturday afternoons meant a trip to Solomon Grundy's and colouring in pics in the hope they'd be stuck on the wall.
It really was one of Ballymena's most iconic cafes.
17. Tower Centre Santa
You dragged your parents to see Santa in the Tower Centre.
You had to strategically time the big moment - you didn't want to go too early and have to look on for weeks at everybody else chatting with the main man but you didn't want to have to face the massive queues in the week before the big day.
18. Flamingo
Your folks and/or grandparents met at the world-famous Flamingo - which is now the only female-only gym in the town.
Rolling Stones played there, don't ya know?
19. We are fond of a factory or two
You have at least one uncle who worked in either Wrights, Gallaher's or Michelin.
20. The dreaded uniform shopping
The last week of the summer holidays meant a trip to Wallace’s or Couples for your new uniform.
Your parents always insisted on buying two sizes too big. You’d grow into it, apparently.
21. Football memories
You played football for a team managed by Arthur McLean - and you're in good company along with Northern Ireland boss Michael O'Neill and Liverpool gaffer Brendan Rodgers.
22. Seven Towers Leisure Centre was the place to be
You remember the slides in the Seven Towers Leisure Centre.
It’s also a certainty you’ve had a whistle blown in your direction for dive-bombing into the pool.
23. A Nobel Fry
A place that to this day still never has a free seat - and for good reason.
A Nobel Fry is the perfect feed for an after-exams treat, fueling up for a big day of shopping or people-watching with your friends.
24. The Ballymena Guardian
Your claim to fame was your picture featuring in the local paper.
Whether it was for a competition or you won big at the Ballymena Festival, you were sure that photo was going to make you a star.
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