Anyone who's ever had a motorcycle, or bicycle for that matter, stolen knows the pain it brings. I've been on the receiving end of those acts and can tell you firsthand hand it was one of the quickest flurry of emotions that I've ever gone through and left me feeling more anger than anything else.
So, when I see would-be thieves getting foiled by their own stupidity it brings me great joy to share it. Enter two of Kentucky's finest on August 28th.
Their target was a clean Husqvarna Svartpillen 401 with a tasty Akrapovic exhaust. A stand-out characteristic of the Svartpilen 401 is how remarkably compact it is, but even so, how stupid do you have to be to think it'd fit in the trunk of a Toyota Corolla?
A video shows the Corolla backing up to the bike before one of the would-be thieves, who's smoking next to the bike, tries to lift it into the open trunk. I was so enamored by the fact he thought he could get it into a Corolla's trunk that it was only upon rewatching it that I realized he couldn't even get the 401 off its side stand.
Even if these lads had an F-250, that bike wasn't going anywhere. So, it's even more frustrating that the wannabe thief left the bike down on its side, undoubtedly causing a few scratches. But these guys shouldn't be hard to find.
Unsurprisingly, given the denseness surrounding the entire act, the guys did a particularly bad job at hiding their identities. One thief stood directly in front of the camera with nothing hiding his face, while the other backed the car up to the same camera almost as though he wanted to center the license plate.
I thought the choice of car was particularly funny at the start, but the more I thought about it, the funnier it became to think they could just shove a motorcycle in the back of something that's not an SUV or truck.
Is there any car you could shove a 401 in the back of? Let us know in the comments.