Thieves have targeted e-scooter stores around Canberra in the past week, stealing an estimated $200,000 worth of scooters and equipment, with store owners expressing their frustration at police in tracking down the culprits.
Information provided to The Canberra Times has revealed that the thieves have used much the same methods of entry across multiple premises, leaving forensic evidence behind and even stealing a utility from Fyshwick which was equipped with a tracking device.
The tracking data from the utility was made quickly available to police but no arrests have yet been made.
The spate of targeted break-ins began last week with the thieves breaking into a Fyshwick yard and stealing tools and clothing from a truck, as well as a heavy duty construction saw.
The thieves use a Kia Sportage as their chosen vehicle. The registration of that vehicle is known, and has been provided to police.
The same saw, and a jemmy bar, was used to cut and force their way into a Fyshwick premises around 5am, with CCTV video clearly showing several cars driving past the premises as the offender used the noisy, heavy saw, with sparks flying, to gain entry.
Owners of the stores hit by the thieves in Fyshwick and Phillip have expressed their deep frustration that people driving past did not call police and not report the suspicious behaviour.
One of the Fyshwick stores was hit twice in the same week.
Some of the e-scooters stolen have electronic locks on their hubs and cannot be operated without the proper codes. This would make them difficult for the thieves to on-sell.
The tracker on the stolen ute shows the offenders lingered for several lengthy periods near an apartment block in Phillip. This information was passed on to police.
Only after The Canberra Times approached the police for information about these incidents last week was information forthcoming.
The response received was:
"Police responded to several burglaries that occurred on Thursday the 17th and Friday the 18th of February throughout Mawson, Phillip and Fyshwick. These burglaries occurred simultaneously or one after the other, between 3am and 6am on both days.
"Any links between them are being investigated."
Store owners that have been hit by the thieves have asked the Canberra public to be wary of new e-scooters which are listed for sale online or are offered for sale at prices which are well below retail.
These could be stolen property, and knowingly purchasing stolen property is an offence. Any e-scooters which are offered for sale electronically locked and do not have the appropriate codes provided by the seller should be viewed with suspicion and reported.
"Watching the cars driving past on the road a short distance away as the thief was using a big saw to cut into the front doors has one of the most frustrating parts of all this," one store owner, who did not want to be named, said.
"It is so bloody obvious what is going on. Why don't people ring the cops when they see people doing this? All it takes is a phone call."
Police say they are now dedicating resources to these burglaries, including officers from general duties, forensics, intelligence and digital and video operations.