A "brazen thief" has been caught dragging bags and purses behind him in a bizarre $5,000 (£4,000) Black Friday raid.
The suspect, who has not been identified, was captured on CCTV at the Burlington store in Hialeah, Florida, US, stuffing handbags and purses into bin bags on November 25.
In the footage the man is seen filling up his bags despite there being multiple security cameras at the shop before casually walking out the store.
Hialeah Police Sergeant Jose Torres told Local10 news : "He's doing his holiday shopping on the dime of the store. This is something we won't tolerate."
In the footage there appears to be no staff or shoppers trying to stop the thief as he got into his car and drove off.

Police confirmed the incident happened on Black Friday but authorities were not made aware of the crime until Tuesday.
The man, who didn't attempt to hide his face, is seen in a black t-shit with tattoos showing, wearing a baseball cap.
His greed starts to get the better of him as the weight of the items start to break the bags as he heads towards the exit door.
Mr Torres said: "Look at this guy. Give us a call and we would be more than glad to get him off the street.

“The Hialeah police department is actively working to stop these types of crimes.”
It is unclear why security in the shop didn't stop the thief as police appeal for more information on the suspect.
The video clip of the raid has gone viral on social media with many users mocking the man's unusual technique for stuffing as many items into a bag as possible.

One user admired his brazenness: "If you’re gonna steal, this is the only respectable way to do it."
Another joked: "He has a lot of wives apparently", alluding to the dozens of handbags and purses.
However, a Twitter user felt sorry for the business: "All the regulations, local and state taxes for services and then have to put up with this."