The Green Shed owner Charlie Bigg-Wither says he has not been given any guarantee all his staff will be re-employed by Vinnies, but he will be continuing negotiations with the society.
However, Vinnies said in a statement that any current staff now working at Mugga Lane or Mitchell "who want to join the new team will be able to".
Mr Bigg-Wither met with representatives of the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn on Thursday in the wake of it being awarded a contract to run the reuseables facilities at the Mugga Lane and Mitchell tips.
The Green Shed was not successful in winning the tender, after running the services since 2010.
Mr Bigg-Wither said he was not trying to change the outcome of the tender, but only advocate for his staff who might find it difficult to get another job, with the same pay and conditions, including staff with disabilities.
"They didn't give us any guarantees," he said, after the meeting with Vinnies.
"It's a lot of nonsense for anyone to say we have."

The ACT Government also says the transfer of staff from The Green Shed to Vinnies was not a condition of the contract to run the reuseables facilities at the Mitchell and Mugga Lane reuseable facilities.
"Vinnies has committed to offering employment to current staff of the Green Shed in Mitchell and Mugga Lane to ensure continuity of employment. This was considered a strength," an ACT Government spokesperson said.
"While transferring staff of the current contractor was not a condition of the procurement or contract for the reusable facilities provider, Vinnies have committed to the smooth transition with the welfare of The Green Shed staff front of mind.
"The ACT Government is committed to supporting the employees of The Green Shed and is working closely with both contractors to assist with continuity of employment where possible."
It was revealed this week the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn had won the tender to run the depots at Mugga Lane and Mitchell which received donated goods and resold or redirected them to keep as much waste as possible out of landfill.
The Green Shed, owned by Charlie Bigg-Wither and Sandie Parkes, had run the operation since 2010.
The couple has decided it will shut its op shops in the city - The Green Shed Shop and The Green Shed Underground - because they will no longer have the flow of donated items from Mitchell and Mugga Lane.
Mr Bigg-Wither says as a consequence, 84 people will be out of work, including those who work at the op shops and those at the two depots.
Vinnies previously said The Green Shed workers were welcome to apply for jobs with Vinnies. Now it says anyone from the Mitchell or Mugga Lane depots will be re-hired.
"We will have a very simple onboarding process whereby any current staff at the two facilities who want to join the new team will be able to," a spokesperson said.
"As for The Green Shed Shop and The Green Shed Underground, that was out of scope of the tender and we have no knowledge of the future plans there."
Close to 5000 people had by Thursday night signed a petition to keep The Green Shed as operators of the reuseables facilities.
But Mr Bigg-Wither said he was not trying to have the contract returned to The Green Shed but advocate for staff who might not be able to get another job with the same pay and conditions.
"We're just trying to look out for our vulnerable staff members," he said.