Your passwords might be easier to guess than you think. NordPass, a proprietary password manager launched in 2019, has published a list of the world's 200 most common passwords in 2022 which hackers can easily crack. The list ranges from "123456", "iloveyou", to famous football clubs such as "liverpool", "arsenal".
The report mentioned, "people still use weak passwords to protect their accounts".
Here's a list of passwords that were cracked in less than 1 second:
- password
- 123456
- 123456789
- qwerty
- 12345678
- 111111
- 12345
- 123123
- 123456
- 1234
- 1234567890
- 000000
- 555555
- 666666
- 123321
- 654321
- 7777777
- 123
- 777777
- 1111
- 987654321
- 121212
- abc123
- azerty
- 159753
- 1q2w3e4r
- 54321
- 222222
- qwertyuiop
- qwerty123
- qazwsx
- vip
- asdasd
- 123qwe
- 123654
- iloveyou
- a1b2c3
- 999999
- 1q2w3e
- usr
- 1111111
- 333333
- 123123123
- 11111111
- 1qaz2wsx
- password1
- 987654321
- gfhjkm
- 159357
- abcd1234
- 789456
- aaaaaa
- zxcvbnm
- asdghjkl
- 1234qwer
- 88888888
- dragon
- 987654
- 888888
- qwe123
- football
- 3601
- asdfgh
- master
- samsung
- killer
- 12345678910
- 1234561
- 12344321
- 000000
- 444444
- 101010
- fuckyou
- qazwsxxedc
- 789456123
- super123
- qwer1234
- 123456789a
- 147258369
- 98765
- q1w2e3r4
- 232323
- 102030
- 12341234
- 147258
- shadow
- 123456a
- 87654321
- 10203
- pokemon
- princess
- baseball
- monkey
- jordon
- love
- 1111111111
- 11223344
- 123456789
- asdf1234
- 147852
- 252525
- 11111
- loulou
- superman
- qweasdzxc
- soccer
- qqqqqq
- 123abc
- computer
- qweased
- zxcvbn
- sunshine
- 1234554321
- asd123
- marina
- lol123
- a123456
- Password
- 123789
- jordon23
- 212121
- 7654321
- qwerty1
- 123456789
- naruto
- internet
- doudou
- 55555
- martin
- xxxxxx
- 1qazxsw2
- charlie
- 12345qwert
- zzzzzz
- q1w2e3
- 147852369
- hello
- welcome
- 456123
- secret
- matrix
- zaq12wsx
- password123
- qwertyu
- hunter
- freedom
- 999999999
- eminem
- junior
- 696969
- juventus
- batman
- 12qwaszx
- passw0rd
- soleil
- nikita
- Password1
- qweqwe
- robert
- starwars
- liverpool
- bonjour
- 124578
In India, the common passwords list includes names like "hanuman", "saibaba", "bangalore", "hyderabad", etc.
A list of common passwords used by Indians which were cracked in less than 1 second are:
- 88888888
- saibaba
- qwerty12
- reset123
- 12341234
- 1234abcd
- bangalore
- qwerty123456
- 123123
- computer
- 786786786
- 111122222
- indian
- abc12345
- admin123
- 98765432
- 654321
- 143143
- 786786
- pa55word
- a1b2c3d4
- godisgreat
- 1q2w3e4r
- aaaa1111
- q1w2e3r4
- sandeep
- deepak
- 9876543
- aditya
- 99999999
- a12345678
- ganesh
- sangeeta
- goodluck
- prashant
- hyderabad
- zxcvbnm
- 12345678910
- anuradha
- hanuman
NordPass's researchers classified the data from 30 countries into various verticals, which allowed them to perform a statistical analysis based on gender and region.
The list of passwords was compiled in partnership with independent researchers specializing in research of cybersecurity incidents.