Plans for an extended residents' parking scheme around the Etihad Stadium have been put forward. Most streets around the east Manchester campus containing Manchester City's Stadium currently have restrictions on parking on match days and on other event days such as concerts.
However, work is currently underway on a new £350 million indoor music and sports arena next to the stadium.
With a capacity of 23,500 Co-op Live, currently under construction on land bordered by the Ashton Canal, Alan Turing Way and Joe Mercer Way, will become the biggest facility of its kind in Britain when it opens next year. Town hall chiefs say during the consultation period for the arena plans, parking was one of the biggest issues brought up by residents in nearby areas.

They were worried that the dozens of extra events a year would increase the demand for parking on their residential streets by visitors and negatively affect their day-to-day lives.
Residents in Beswick who the Manchester Evening News spoke to on a City matchday last Wednesday said the parking situation as it was around their homes was already a 'nightmare' and that they had resorted to putting wheelie bins on the road outside their front doors to prevent inconsiderate and illegal parking. Now, Manchester City Council are consulting on an expanded residents parking scheme to replace the current numerous ones spread out around the stadium.
It would, they say, expand to include some areas not included in the existing scheme, but which are within walking distance of the Etihad Campus. The proposals would see all housing estates between Pin Mill Brow and Clayton Vale brought under the new all-encompassing scheme affecting areas including Ancoats, New Islington, Beswick, Bradford, Clayton, Openshaw, Newton Heath and Miles Platting.
Another key change would be that restrictions would be in force every day, rather than just on event days only. Council chiefs say this should make it for residents to understand as they would no longer not have to be aware of when events were taking place in order to display their permits or issue visitor permits to friends and family.
"The proposed Eastlands Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) has been designed to allow residents to park close to their home, improve traffic flow, road safety and the appearance of streets affected by high levels of on-street parking," the council said.
We take a look at the areas the new proposed new scheme will cover and how it will work

How the scheme will work?
The new scheme will include two types of restriction:
‘Limited Waiting’ parking bays - These marked bays will have a maximum stay of 90 minutes for non-permit holders for most of each day. Permit holders are exempt from the restriction and can park for an unlimited amount of time.
Permit holder only ‘past this point’ streets. Mainly smaller streets and cul-de-sacs, only residents or visitors with displaying a valid visitor permit will be eligble to park on these. In most of these areas, no parking bays will be marked – allowing residents the flexibility to organise the way in which they park the council says. However, where space is available, a small number of parking bays will also be provided which will have the limited waiting restriction.
In both cases restrictions would apply from midday until 11pm each day. Signs would clearly indicate where they apply, though the scheme will not cover parking on driveways or private land.
Both in-person drop-in sessions and a series of online events are being held where residents can ask questions about then plans. Details can be found here.

Str eets where parking will be permit-only
Under the proposals each the following streets will be designated permit holders only:
- Abernant Close
- Aden Close
- Adstone Close
- Adswood Street
- Aldridge Road
- Alderman Square
- Alker Road
- Alpine Street
- Ancoats Grove
- Ancoats Grove North
- Andre Street
- Arena Drive
- Ashlar Drive
- Ashurst Avenue
- Athletes Way
- Attewell Street
- Auden Close
- Audlem Close
- Badby Close
- Bagot Street
- Bamford Street
- Barbeck Close
- Barking Street
- Barleywood Drive
- Barrington Street
- Bath Street
- Bebbington Street
- Bednal Avenue
- Beede Street
- Bellis Close
- Ben Street
- Bevan Close
- Blisworth Close
- Bingley Close
- Biscay Close
- Blackpool Street
- Bollington Road
- Bosworth Street
- Bourdon Street
- Braddon Street
- Branson Street
- Brennock Close
- Briscoe Lane
- Bristowe Street
- Bromlow Street
- Brookhill Street
- Broxton Street
- Broyne Close
- Burbridge Close
- Burcot Road
- Burns Close
- Bury Place
- Bryceland Close
- Canada Street
- Capella Drive
- Carbis Avenue
- Carlburn Street
- Carmody Close
- Cavalier Street
- Charnley Close
- Chassen Close
- Chesshyre Avenue
- Clayton Lane
- Clifton Street
- Clydesdale Gardens
- Coatbridge Street
- Colliery Street
- Combe Close
- Commonwealth Avenue
- Corelli Street
- Coghlan Close
- Councillor Street
- Cranfield Close
- Craven Place
- Crayford Road
- Cromer Street
- Crossley Court
- Cyclone Street
- Cyrus Street
- Danson Street
- Dargai Street
- Darley Street
- Darton Avenue
- Dewar Close
- Dinsdale Close
- Doric Close
- Douro Street
- Dreyfus Avenue
- Dulgar Street
- Dunsop Avenue
- Dysart Street
- East Grange
- Easthaven Avenue
- Edenbridge Road
- Eccleshall Street
- Edmonton Road
- Ellingham Close
- Ember Street
- Energy Street
- Enfield Drive
- Eswick Street
- Euclid Close
- Fairisle Close
- Falconwood Way
- Falkland Avenue
- Falmouth Street
- Fifth Avenue
- Filby Walk
- First Avenue
- Fletcher Street
- Flint Close
- Folkestone Road
- Folkestone Road East
- Folkestone Road West
- Fourth Avenue
- Foxdale Street
- Frankland Close
- Franton Road
- Gaitskell Close
- Giltbrook Avenue
- Glamis Avenue
- Gleden Street
- Glenolden Street
- Goldenhill Avenue
- Goole Street
- Graham Street
- Hackle Street
- Hackleton Close
- Hadlow Walk
- Hallam Road
- Halliday Road
- Halmore Road
- Halton Road
- Hamnett Street
- Harding Street
- Hartington Drive
- Hartwell Close
- Hassop Close
- Havana Close
- Heather Street
- Heybury Close
- Himley Road
- Holly Street
- Holt Town
- Homebury Drive
- Hooton Street
- Hopedale Close
- Howarth Close
- Howgill Street
- Hurstbourne Avenue
- Ilford Street
- Iredine Street
- Iron Street
- Isca Street
- John William Street
- Kenwyn Street
- Key West Close
- Keymer Street
- Keynsham Road
- Khartoum Street
- Kilsby Walk
- Kingsbury Road
- Kingsheath Street
- Kirkhaven Square
- Kirkridge Road
- Kylemore Way
- Langness Street
- Lanstead Drive
- Lavenham Avenue
- Layton Street
- Lifton Avenue
- Lime Bank Street
- Linton Close
- Little Holme Street
- Lloyd Wright Avenue
- Longham Close
- Lowestead Road
- Lydden Avenue
- Maidford Close
- Marcer Road
- Marina Crescent
- Markham Close
- Mayton Street
- Metcombe Way
- Midlothian Street
- Midville Road
- Millhead Avenue
- Morse Road
- Myrtle Street
- Neden Close
- New Street
- New Viaduct Street
- Newcombe Close
- Newham Avenue
- Newtown Close
- North Crescent
- Norton Street
- Oban Avenue
- Oldfield Street
- Orme Close
- Overlinks Road
- Oxendon Avenue
- Padstow Street
- Parrot Street
- Partington Street
- Pattishall Close
- Paxton Place
- Penfair Close
- Pennell Street
- Pentrith Avenue
- Penzance Street
- Pioneer Street
- Pitman Close
- Powell Street
- Providence Street
- Purslow Close
- Raglan Close
- Raja Ahmed Street
- Ralph Street
- Ranelagh Street
- Redfield Close
- Ridgechurch Drive
- Ridgeline Way
- Ridings Street
- Rimmer Close
- Ripley Close
- Rolleston Avenue
- Rosebank Road
- Roslin Street
- Rouse Close
- Roydale Street
- Rushbrooke Avenue
- Rushen Street
- Sabden Close
- Sandal Street
- Sandgate Avenue
- Saxon Street
- Second Avenue
- Selby Street
- Selhurst Avenue
- Seymour Avenue
- Sheldon Street
- Snell Street
- Siam Street
- Silfield Close
- Slaithwaite Drive
- Sledmere Close
- South Crescent
- Southfields Avenue
- Spectator Street
- Stadium Drive
- Stanton Street
- Staplehurst Road
- Stedman Close
- Stockholm Street
- Stokes Street
- Stracey Street
- Strathfield Drive
- Stuart Street East
- Sumac Street
- Sunningdale Avenue
- Surbiton Road
- Swallow Street
- Sweetnam Drive
- Tame Street
- Taunton Street
- Teer Street
- Ten Acres Lane
- Tewkesbury Road
- Thames Close
- The Mews
- Theta Close
- Third Avenue
- Thirsfield Drive
- Tinsley Close
- Tobermory Close
- Tottington Street
- Towcester Close
- Townley Street
- Trimdon Close
- Turing Close
- Turner Street
- Tutbury Street
- Upper Cyrus Street
- Upper Helena Street
- Upper Lake Drive
- Uxbridge Avenue
- Viking Close
- Viola Street
- Walsden Street
- Walshaw Street
- Wandsworth Avenue
- Wedgewood Street
- Welwyn Walk
- Wesham Road
- Weston Street
- Whitehurst Drive
- Whiteley Street
- Willdale Close
- Willow Street
- Windermere Close
- Winfell Drive
- Winslow Street
- Winswell Close
- Wren Way
- Wynne Close
Streets with marked 'limited waiting' bays
Under the plans, the following streets will have bays where parking to non-permit holders will be limited to 90 minutes.
- Aintree Street
- Albert Street
- Archer Street
- Ashton New Road
- Bank Bridge Road
- Bank Street
- Barking Street
- Barmouth Street
- Bell Crescent
- Bellew Street
- Beswick Street
- Blackrock Street
- Bodley Street
- Bosworth Street
- Bradford Road
- Brennock Close
- Broxton Street
- Cambrian Street
- Canberra Street
- Cantrell Street
- Carruthers Street
- Caterham Street
- Charlesworth Street
- Claribel Street
- Clayton Hall Road
- Clayton Street
- Coatbridge Street
- Cowan Street
- Crabtree Lane
- Croft Street
- Cycle Street
- Danson Street
- Douro Street
- Drewett Street
- Dysart Street
- Eastfield Avenue
- Edwin Road
- Fastnet Street
- Fletcher Street
- Grey Mare Lane
- Gurney Street
- Gwelo Street
- Hamnett Street
- Harrison Street
- Herne Street
- Hillkirk Street
- Hinkley Street
- Holland Street
- Holly Street
- Holroyd Street
- Hooton Street
- Hughes Street
- James Street
- Jobling Street
- John Heywood Street
- Kylemore Way
- Lind Street
- Linfield Street
- Lingfield Road
- Lord North Street
- Mill Street
- North Road
- Olympic Street
- Outrington Drive
- Palmerston Street
- Penzance Street
- Philips Park Road
- Pilgrim Close/Drive
- Pollard Street East
- Ravensbury Street
- Ridgway Street
- Riverpark Road
- Rosewell Avenue
- Rylance Street
- Sarah Street
- Sawley Road
- Schofield Street
- Seymour Road South
- Side Street
- Stadium Drive
- Stuart Street
- Tartan Street
- Toledo Street
- Towcester Close
- Vale Street
- Viaduct Street
- Walshaw Street
- Wardle Street
- West Street
- Whitehurst Drive
- Wilson Street
Who will be eligible for a permit?
Anyone who lives in a property, either rented or owned, within the scheme area and owns a vehicle that's registered to that address will be able to apply for a permit for their vehicle. There is no limit on the number that can be applied for at each address. However, proof of address will be required as part of the application.
Drivers can apply for a permit for each vehicle registered at a property regardless of whether it has off-street parking. This includes company cars, but a letter from your employer stating the vehicle is kept at your home will be required.
There would also be Resident Visitor, Business, Business Visitor, Student and Carer permits available. All permits will be issued free of charge by the council with the exception of Business Visitor permits, for which there will be an annual charge of £45 per permit.
It is understood the scheme will be funded through the Section 106 agreement agreed with developer behind the arena.
Properties within the scheme area will be able to apply for two visitor permits. These can be used anywhere in the scheme area not just outside a resident's home.
Business owners can apply for a permit for themselves to park if their business premises is within the scheme area. They can also apply for up to five business visitor permits.
Those who require care at their home and may have regular visits from carers or medical professionals can apply for a transferrable carer's permit.
Students living at a property within the scheme area may also be eligible for a permit if their studies require them to use a vehicle (for example, a student nurse on placement).
All permits other than carer permits will be electronic permits, where registrations are stored in an online system, which shows parking wardens if a permit is in place for a vehicle. The council say they are also exploring the possibility of developing a mobile phone app where permits can be managed.
What the council say
Councillor Tracey Rawlins, executive member for environment at Manchester council said: "Through other resident parking schemes in Manchester we know they can make a positive impact for people living within its boundaries.
"As Manchester continues to grow, particularly in East Manchester, we need to make sure there are measures in place to support the people who have called it their home for years.
"The further development of the Etihad Campus as well as the construction of a new arena are very exciting for the city’s future, but it can’t come at the expense of residents and local businesses.
"We need to make sure their needs are prioritised as the area attracts new visitors. We are also looking to promote public transport, as well as improved walking and cycling routes as the best means for people to travel to east Manchester during events or match days.
"By making parking for residents only we will hopefully see fewer car journeys to the area, helping to fulfil our ambition to make the city zero carbon by 2038."