Gifting can be one of the most delightful parts of the holidays, but it can also be the most stressful, and even the likes of Nate Berkus aren't immune from its pressures. 'It is the holiday season; everyone is torturing themselves over what to give as gifts,' he comments. However, thanks to the designer, this process just got a whole lot easier.
Nate, who has already assisted us in all our bedding and storage troubles via his brand Nate Home, has now tackled this issue of Christmas gifting – and to make things simple, he's narrowed his list to three 'universal' products that are almost certain to please everybody on our list.
His suggestions comprise the best luxury bedding and towels from Nate Home, in colors versatile enough to work in every style of home. Here's what makes them failsafe choices.
First on the list, Nate recommends his throw blanket 'because it’s light, it has texture, and it’s easy to give as a gift.'
Secondly, Nate recommends his sheets that have a place in every bedroom.
'[Choose] classic Nate Home sheets in any color that you like, but a fresh set of sheets for someone who’s buying their first apartment, moving, or just having tonnes of guests coming over in the holiday season, these are great.' he says.
Lastly, while we may normally opt for white towels in our bathrooms, Nate reminds us that deeper colored alternatives, particularly navy, are a practical but nonetheless stylish choice that is an alternative to the convention.
'Most of my towels are white, but a great gift (because people don’t often buy them for themselves) is a set of towels in a color,' Nate says. 'These are navy, and they actually work beautifully with white tile, with pale gray, and with your existing white towels. You can’t go wrong. I would do two sets in the navy, put them in a basket, wrap them up, and there you go.'