In this amazing image, which is a bit scary too, there is a python! As is the usual nature of a snake, it is hiding in this image and the challenge is to find it in 10 seconds. This image was shared by snake-catching company Snake Catchers Brisbane & Gold Coast, as per a report by The Sun.
This challenge is difficult to solve as the sly creature is hiding away from the sight of a normal human being. In general, also, it is extremely difficult to spot a snake and this is why people are scared of them. You will always find them in places where you expect them the least.
To find the python snake, you need to understand the surroundings first. The image shows a dense surrounding with tree trunks, dry leaves, and bushes. There are a few discarded wooden items as well. The unkept area is enclosed with a fence. This makes a perfect abode for a shy creature like a snake. There are several places a snake could have taken shelter here. It might be under the dry leaves or curled up on the tree trunk.
You need to have sharp observation skills to find the hidden python snake. And as expected it is where you would not expect it to be. We spotted the python by the unique pattern on its body.